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Students Abroad

The school has maintained its extensive annual programme of international visits and exchanges.

Over one hundred Year 7 students spent three days on a study visit to Boulogne.

pupils outside a Boulogne hotel

More than 50 Year 11 students took part in a five-day study visit to Paris.

pupils at the Eiffel tower
Visiting the Louvre

Thirty Year 8 and 9 students visited the Mosel Valley, Germany. Germany was also the destination for the School Band Tour.

Exchanges organised by Frederick Gough School involved students (including others from local schools) going to Montelimar and Lueneburg.

Arrangements are being made for this year's range of visits and these are already proving to be well supported by pupils and parents.

MFL Homepage Specialist Language Teachers Courses ICT Facilities Visits and Exchanges Languages Assistants Events Teacher Training Opportunities Primary Programme Evening Classes