SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 1 Die Kölner Clique                                    Unit 1 pp6-7 Hallo!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking for and giving personal details.


verb forms: wohnen, gehen, fahren, sehen, sein


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

2c ask and answer questions

2d initiate / develop conversations

1a, 2


1b, 3, 4b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand personal details

1a, 2



Ask and answer personal questions



Reading and responding


Understand personal details and answer personal questions


1a, 1b, 4a



Complete sentences giving personal information



Key language

Revision of personal details: name, age, address, birthdays and hobbies


Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 1, Einheit 2, Spiele & Songs / Essential German Basic Phrases

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp1, 9



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 1

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 5, p8, TG p40

OHT 1A & 1B: meeting and greeting



Supplementary Teaching Opportunities















~An introductory activity can be to use the pupils' own birthdays to present the months. Display an OHT of a grid with two columns headed Name and Geburtstag. The second column has the birth dates of pupils in the class. Slowly reveal the dates and ask Wer hat am neunten März Geburtstag?... and so on, filling in the names of the pupils. Rehearse the names of the months with an identification game, eg Wer hat im Januar/Februar Geburtstag? then extrapolate the form for giving the date. Ask the pupils to practise in pairs. Pupils conduct a survey around the class, asking Wann hast du Geburtstag? collecting at least five dates and check their answers on the OHT or board.

~Ask each pupil to say their own birthday. Then ask them to arrange themselves in birth date order and say the date out loud.

~Use the internet or other sources to find birth dates of famous Germans. Play the Wer bin ich? game: pupils ask each other Wann hast du Geburtstag? and give the answer appropriate to a particular famous German. Pupils identify the person from an OHT/worksheet and greet the person accordingly, eg Guten Tag Boris Becker. Wie geht's?

~Teach how to give dates using a German calendar. Pupils practise orally and in writing.

~German Games with Aims: Ex:1, p7. Das Oktoberfest. Aim of the game: An icebreaker for a new class in the form of a survey, in which students ask each other the questions that one might ask strangers at a social gathering.  Practices introductions and asking questions.


SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 1 Die Kölner Clique      Unit 2 pp8-9 Wie ist das Wetter?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talk about the weather and seasons


word order – inversion after seasons


(Programmes of Study)

2g deal with the unpredictable

2h skim and scan texts

3d use dictionaries /reference materials

2, 5

3, 4

1, 4


Personal and social life, the world around us

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand statements about the weather and seasons

1, 5, 8



Discuss the weather in certain places; talk about activities in different seasons


2, 6, 8

Reading and responding


Understand weather and seasons in short statements and text


3, 4



Describe your activities in different seasons



Key language

Es ist …

schön / sonnig / kalt / heiß / neblig / frostig / windig / warm / wolkig.  Es ...

 regnet / schneit / donnert und blitzt.

 Was machst du im ... Frühling? Sommer? Herbst? Winter?


Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 10, ~Spiele & Songs / Essential German Weather /

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p2



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 2

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p4; Arbeitsblatt 4, p7

Flashcards 1–11: weather

Song PB, p9


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities













~Teach weather phrases, eg by overlaying symbols on overhead transparencies (OHTs) on a map of Germany/Europe.

~Information gap activity: pupil A has a map with some weather symbols linked to places and pupil B has the complementary weather symbols linked to the remaining places. They ask and answer questions until they have completed the map and then check by comparing their maps at the end of the activity.

~Pupils match speech bubbles of spoken weather phrases with statements from written weather bulletins. This can be a card game or a text/visual dominoes-style game, linking complementary texts together or linking text to visual clues.

~Watch a video recording of a weather forecast with the sound turned down. Pupils suggest a suitable commentary.

~Pupils watch authentic TV weather forecasts, recorded off satellite, and read ones from the internet or newspapers, and show their understanding of the main weather details by saying what the weather will be like in particular places.

~German Games with Aims. Ex 23, p72. Eine Rheinschiffahrt. Aim of the game: a fill-in-the-blank activity that practices weather terminology, north/south/east/west, and reinforces the geography in one area of Germany. Photocopiable sheet on p73.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 1 Die Kölner Clique                     Unit 3 pp10-11 In der Klasse

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking and understanding questions in class


Du, Sie, ihr


(Programmes of Study)

2b pronunciation and intonation [ä, ö, ü]

2e vary language for content / audience

2h skim and scan texts

5b respond to classroom events in TL

5h use language for real purposes


1c, 2, 3b

1a, 1b

2, 3a, 4

2, 3b


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand classroom commands

1a, 3a



Repeat classroom commands



Reading and responding


Match classroom commands with their translations




Write out lists of classroom commands; produce written version of classroom dialogue

1c, 2, 3b

Key language

Können Sie mir bitte / Kannst du mir bitte helfen? 

Können Sie / Kannst du bitte langsamer sprechen? 

Können Sie / Kannst du das bitte wiederholen? 

Verstehst du / Versteht ihr das? 

Nehmt eure Bücher und Hefte raus.  Seid ihr fertig?


Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 7

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p3



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 3


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities
















SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 1 Die Kölner Clique                                       Unit 4  pp12-13Gestern Nachmittag!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying what you did yesterday.  Asking a friend what he/she did yesterday.


perfect tense with haben 1st and 2nd person singular

word order in perfect tense


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar (use verb table to find / check participles)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

3a memorise words and phrases

2f adapt previously learned language


1b, 2b, 3b

1c, 3b

1a, 1b, 2a

2b, 3b


Everyday activities; personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand conversations about what people did yesterday afternoon

1a, 2a, 3a



Ask and say what you and your friend did yesterday afternoon



Reading and responding


Understand texts about what people did yesterday afternoon





Write sentences about what you and your friend did yesterday afternoon

2b, 3b

Key language

Was hast du gestern Nachmittag gemacht?

Ich habe ...

Hausaufgaben gemacht / nichts Besonderes gemacht / ferngesehen / Musik gehört / X angerufen / ein Buch gelesen / eine Tanzstunden gehabt / einen Film gesehen.

Ich habe Fußball / Handball / am Computer / Tischtennis gespielt.

Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 8

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp4, 9


Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 4

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p5; Arbeitsblatt 6, p9; Grammatik 1, p10

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities







~Using dates and pictures, present activities done during a Christmas holiday, including strong verbs. Alternatively, birthdays are a good context as they can include trips to football matches, museums, films, the theatre, sports activities, day trips abroad, etc. From either context, a variety of options can be built up for the different parts of sentences to be reconstructed by pupils. These can be written on the board or on an OHT.

~Prepare six different sets of cards. Each card has the same six dates over Christmas on it, but with a different symbol next to each date, eg picture of a cinema. Pupils have to circulate and by asking and answering questions find other pupils with the identical set of dates and activities without showing the card.

~Extend the above sentences with time phrases, showing that the 'verb second idea' rule still applies to the auxiliary verb.

~Pupils create a data-file recording information such as where they spent Christmas, their best present, their worst present, the two activities they most enjoyed. Some results are presented in graphical form with accompanying comments. Individual pupil records are used as cue sheets for reporting back in full sentences.

~German Games with Aims: Ex 29, p89 – Niemand ist perfekt. Aim of the game is to practice using the perfect tense using both haben and sein. May need adapting for the level of Y9 students.


SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 1 Die Kölner Clique    Unit 5 pp14-15Gestern Vormittag

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about what somebody else did yesterday


Consolidation of perfect tense with haben / sein 1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular

war (repetitive)


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

1c use a range of vocab / structures

2a listen for gist and detail

3b use clues to interpret meaning


3b, 3c

1a, 3a

1b, 3b


Everyday activities; personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand short statements and longer passages about what happened yesterday


1a, 3a



Ask and say what somebody did yesterday



Reading and responding


Understand longer text about what happened yesterday and answer questions about it


1a, 1b, 2a



Write sentences about what people did yesterday


2b, 3b

Key language

As 1.4 but:

Er hat / sie hat … geschlafen / gegessen. 

Es hat geregnet.

Er / sie ist ... ins Kino / Café gegangen.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp5, 9



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 5

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p5; Grammatik 2, p11

OHT 2A: activities in perfect tense


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities











'Telepathy game': one pupil is privately primed to only answer Ja if the teacher holds a flashcard with two hands, or if the teacher scratches his/her nose. Pupil waits outside room, the class chooses a flashcard with the teacher, eg Peter hat ein Buch als Geschenk bekommen, and as the class runs through each card, eg Hat Peter einen Film gesehen?, the telepathic pupil says Nein, er hat keinen Film gesehen until the right one is reached.


Privatdetektivspiel: pupils are given the fictional diary entries of a variety of famous people and they match these to a series of e-mail and telephone messages. By matching dates and details with the perfect tense descriptions, pupils find out who has been seeing whom. They write a report in the third person





SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 1 Die Kölner Clique         Unit 6 pp16-17  Wie spät ist es?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Telling the time. Talking about what you did at certain times.


inversion of perfect tense after a time expression


(Programmes of Study)

2b pronunciation and intonation

5a communicate in pairs, groups etc.

1, 3b

3b, 5


Everyday activities; personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand and say the time

1, 3a



Ask for and say the time; ask and say what you did yesterday at a certain time


1, 3b, 5

Reading and responding


Understand time expressions and what happened at certain times


2, 4a, 4b



Write sentences about what you did yesterday at certain times



Key language

Wie spat ist es?

Es ist … Uhr.

Es ist Viertel vor / nach ... .  Es ist  halb ….

Es ist  zehn, fünf, zwanzig, fünfundzwanzig vor / nach ... .

Was hast du um ... gemacht?  Um ... habe / bin ich ... .


Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 5 /

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p6



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 6

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p5; Arbeitsblatt 3, p6

OHT 2A & 2B: activities in perfect tense



Supplementary Teaching Opportunities













~German Games with Aims: p52, Ex:17 – Wie spat ist es? Aim of the game is to practice recognising times, using both the twelve- and twenty-four hour clocks.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 1 Die Kölner Clique                       Unit 7 pp18-19 Alibis

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: a detective story




(Programmes of Study)

2h skim and scan texts

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

1a, 1c


1b, 1c, 2


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand description of people in longer passage




Ask and answer interview questions for identifying people



Reading and responding


Understand interviews and answer questions about them

1a, 1b, 1c





Key language

As in Units 1–6

Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp110–111



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 7


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities






















Pupils listen to German speakers talking about themselves and their family (using the kind of language covered in unit 1 'Ich stelle mich vor' and this unit) and complete a grid to show their comprehension, noting details such as names and ages of brothers and sisters, pets, etc.


Adapted version of game ‘Guess Who’



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 2 Unterwegs           Unit 1 pp24-25           Meine Ferien

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about a recent holiday.


Perfect tense with sein 1st and 2nd person singular

Quantifiers (sehr, ziemlich)


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab/structures

2c ask and answer questions

2h skim and scan texts

5c express feelings and opinions

2b, 4, 5



4, 5


The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise information about holiday trips

1, 2a



Make sentences and carry out a dialogue about a recent holiday

2b, 4

Reading and responding


Understand holiday destinations




Describe summer or other holidays

2c, 5

Key language

Bist du in den Ferien weggefahren? 

Ja, ich bin nach Spanien / Griechenland gefahren.

Wie war es?

Es war ...

interessant / toll / total langweilig / nicht schlecht / echt klasse.

Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 10

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p11, TG p61



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 10

OHT 3A, 3B &3C: on holiday

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities














~Pupils could recount orally, or in writing, a holiday spent in this country or abroad, perhaps explaining how this was different from customary holidays, or they could imagine a future holiday. This could be in the form of an informal letter, contrasting in style with that written in section 4. ~Pupils could imagine that the holiday was a 'dream holiday' or a disaster. This activity offers opportunities to develop further pupils' proficiency in understanding and using different tenses.

Summarise items on a recent holiday-themed programme or holiday advert. The TV programme or adverts must be recorded in advance and viewed without sound. Pupils could (perhaps with prompts) suggest the voiceover. There are many possibilities here for differentiation and use of previously encountered ideas. 



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 2 Unterwegs          Unit 2 pp26-27     Transport-Auswahl

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about how you traveled to a place. Talking about where you stayed.


mit + dative

Word order: manner - place


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

5d produce/respond to different types of spoken/written language

1b, 2, 3b

2, 3b, 4b


The world around us

The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand means of transport, where and how long you stayed

1a, 1b, 3a



Ask and answer questions where to and how people travelled



Reading and responding


Understand longer text about someone’s holiday





Write sentences where people stayed and how they travelled

3b, 4b


Key language

Wie bist du nach ... gefahren?

Ich bin ...

mit dem Auto / Zug / Rad / Bus / Schiff / mit der U-Bahn / Straßenbahn ... gefahren.

Ich bin zu Fuß gegangen.  Ich bin mit dem Flugzeug geflogen. 

Wo hast du übernachtet?

 ... in einem Hotel, in einer Jugendherberge / Pension, bei Verwandten, auf einem Campingplatz.

Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD, Einheit 10 / Expressions: Travelling by train or At the Airport or Getting Around

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp12, 19, TG p61, 65



Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 11

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p24, TG p66

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 5, p28, TG p67

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 6, p29, TG p67

OHT 3A, 3B & 3C: on holiday

Flashcards 12–20: transport

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities






~Pupils call up a datafile containing information on different hotels. They check details in answer to a set of queries recorded on tape, eg a client wants a double room with TV and bath for under DM 80, and report back.

~Pupils listen to or read statements describing different types of accommodation, resorts, etc. Give examples of how to make inferences. The pupils then try to draw conclusions from other statements.

~Pupils are given a list of requirements for a holiday, eg types of accommodation, range of outdoor activities. They use brochures and websites to find suitable holidays. They work in pairs or small groups, outlining their suggestions and choices to each other. They can also report back to the class orally or in writing. Prompt cards could also be used, containing visual or written support, particularly for pupils needing more support.


SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 2 Unterwegs                     Unit 3 pp28-29      Auf Klassenfahrt!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about what you and your friends did on a trip


Perfect tense with sein and haben: singular and plural forms


(Programmes of Study)

2h skim and scan texts

3a memorise words and phrases (learning past participles)

4d knowledge of TL communities


1c, 2a, 2b


1a, 1c, 2b


The world around us

The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise what people did on a trip

1a, 2a



Ask and answer questions about activities on a trip



Reading and responding


Recognise what people did on a trip and answer questions about it

1a, 1b, 1c



Write out sentences about what people did on a trip



Key language

Was habt ihr auf der Klassenfahrt gemacht?

Wir / Sie haben ...

eine Radtour gemacht / ferngesehen / das Museum besucht / viel Eis gegessen / Fußball gespielt / gelesen.

Wir / Sie sind ...

nach Köln gefahren / schwimmen gegangen.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p13, TG p62



Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 12

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p25, TG p66

R & A File: Grammatik 1, p30, TG p67


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities









~Pupils script and produce a short TV or radio promotional advert about a hotel or campsite where they have been and describe what they did and the facilities available to them. Pupils take various roles, eg somebody who works in the hotel, a guest who has enjoyed the facilities (Like on the holiday programme)




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 2 Unterwegs            Unit 4 pp30-31     Auf dem Bahnhof

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Buying train tickets.




(Programmes of Study)

2a listen for gist and detail

5a communicate in pairs, groups etc.

1, 2, 4

3, 6b


The world around us

The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand dialogue at a train ticket counter

1, 4, 7



Ask and answer questions when buying train tickets

3, 6b, 7

Reading and responding


Understand phrases for buying train tickets and correct wrong statements

1, 5



Note down details of dialogues at train ticket counter

2, 6a

Key language

Einmal / Zweimal / Dreimal ... nach Berlin, bitte.

Einfach oder hin und zurück?

DM XX, bitte.

Wann fährt der nächste Zug nach ... ab?

Der nächste Zug fährt um ... Uhr.

Von welchem Gleis fährt er ab?

Von / Vom Gleis drei.

Possible ICT Opportunities

Essential German: Currency / German Expressions: Travelling by Train

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p14, TG p62



Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 14

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p26, TG p66

R & A File: Grammatik 2, p31, TG p67

OHT 6: lost property

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities












~Train timetable – German tourist at train station needs to go somewhere and child has to help.  One child is the German tourist the other is helping him/her out.

~German Games with Aims – p56, Ex: Auf dem Weg. Aim of the game is to practice ticket-buying.  It provides lots of practice with numbers. NEEDS some alteration of prices from DM to Euro.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 2 Unterwegs              Unit 5 pp32-33          Im Fundbüro

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about things you and other people have lost


“it” revision er / sie / es, mein / dein (revision)

Adjective endings in nominative and accusative after the definite article


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

1b apply grammar

1a, 3, 4a

2, 4a, 4b


Everyday activities

The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand dialogue in lost property office

1a, 3



Ask and answer questions about lost property


1c, 4b

Reading and responding


Understand details from dialogue in lost property office




Write sentences and answer questions about lost property

2, 4a

Key language

Was hast du verloren?

Ich habe ...

meinen Rucksack / Fotoapparat / Regenschirm / meine Sonnenbrille / mein Portemonnaie verloren.

Wann hast du den / die / das ... verloren?

Heute / gestern / vorgestern / letzten Samstag / letzte Woche / vor drei Tagen.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp15, TG p63



Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 14

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p26, TG p66

R & A File: Grammatik 2, p31, TG p67

OHT 6: lost property


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities









~Selection of cards (ones with a time eg letzten Samstag, another with an object and another with a list of places where the person went eg train station, café at station and on train to ?) the child has to explain to the ‘lost property office at the station what happened and what they have lost.

~German Games with Aims: p21, Ex 6 – Das Fundbüro.  Aim of the game is to describe everyday objects and practice agreement of adjectives. P22/23 have photocopiable sheets for the game




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 2 Unterwegs           Unit 6 pp34-35       Ferienpostkarten

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Writing a postcard about a holiday or trip.


Perfect tense


(Programmes of Study)

2b pronunciation and intonation

5d produce/respond to different types of spoken/written language

1a, 5

1d, 2, 4


The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise pronunciation of “ü” and “u”




Practice correct pronunciation of “ü” and “u”



Reading and responding


Understand postcard about a holiday trip

1a, 1d, 3



Write sentences and own postcard about a holiday trip


1c, 2, 4

Key language

Language from the previous five units


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p16, TG p63



Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 17

OHT 7: going on holiday



Supplementary Teaching Opportunities


















~Pupils might be given further constraints to work with, such as planning a holiday for someone in a wheelchair, or for a group of year 6 pupils.

~Pupils could recount orally, or in writing, a holiday spent in this country or abroad, perhaps explaining how this was different from customary holidays, or they could imagine a future holiday. This could be in the form of an informal letter, contrasting in style with that written in section 4. Pupils could imagine that the holiday was a 'dream holiday' or a disaster. This activity offers opportunities to develop further pupils' proficiency in understanding and using different tenses.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 2 Unterwegs      Unit 7 pp36-37   Feriencamp Alpenblick

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: summer camp in the Austrian Alps




(Programmes of Study)

4a work with authentic materials

5f use language creatively

1, 2a

4, 5


The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people did in the holiday camp




Ask and answer questions about different holiday camps



Reading and responding


Understand texts about holiday camps

1, 2a, 2b



Write sentences and a postcard about activities in a holiday camp

2d, 5

Key language

As in Units 1–6


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)




Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 17


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities




















~Set groups of pupils different problem-solving tasks, eg planning holidays in Austria or Switzerland for different families or groups of people, including their own family. Constraints can be set, eg budget, date restrictions, travel preferences, health-related issues. The task brief must make it clear that a solution must be found and a rationale given. Each group of pupils draws up an action plan which includes clear objectives, strategies, outcomes and deadlines. Pupils then undertake research.This activity offers pupils opportunities to contact travel agencies and tourist offices by e-mail or letter, to research websites, to read online information and publicity material and to produce a factsheet. Pupils use this information and maps to plan a logical itinerary, including places to visit, transport, accommodation. The resulting itineraries could be word processed.

~ Pupils listen to/read accounts about life in Austria/Switzerland and note down similarities/differences, eg food, homes, school, festivals.

~Different pupils could be encouraged to tackle different aspects, and possibly to report back to the class.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 3 Topfit!                                Unit 1 pp42-43  Der Körper

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Naming parts of the body and head.


revision: genders, plurals

revision: haben + accusative


(Programmes of Study)

3b use clues to interpret meaning

3c use knowledge of English / another language

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

5b respond to classroom events in TL

1, 2a, 3a

2a, 3a, 3b


2b, 4a, 4b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand and point out parts of the body and head


1, 3b



Ask and answer questions about parts of the body; name parts of the head


2b, 4a

Reading and responding


Understand words for parts of the head





Write list of body parts; label parts of head

2a, 4b


Key language

der Arm(e), der Bauch, das Bein(e), der Ellbogen(-), der Finger(-), der Fuß(Füße), der Hals, die Hand(Hände), das Knie(-), der Kopf, der Po, der Rücken, die Schulter(n), der Zeh(en), das Gesicht, die Lippe(n), die Nase, das Ohr(en), der Zahn(Zähne), der Mund


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p21



Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 1

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1& 6, pp45 & 51

OHT 8: body parts



Supplementary Teaching Opportunities












.Play Simon says


Beetle game




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 3 Topfit!                               Unit 2 pp44-45  Wie geht’s?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about ailments.




(Programmes of Study)

2h skim and scan texts

2i summarise main points of text

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

1, 4a

4a, 4b


1, 2, 5


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand various ailments

1, 3a, 5




Ask and answer questions about ailments



Reading and responding


Understand longer text about illnesses and select correct answers in comprehension task


4a, 4b



Write sentences about ailments


3b, 4c

Key language

Was ist los mit dir? Was hast du?

Mein(e) ... tut weh.

Ich habe Kopfschmerzen / Halsschmerzen / Zahnschmerzen / Ohrenschmerzen / Bauchschmerzen.

Ich bin müde / krank.

Ich habe Fieber.

Ich habe Schnupfen.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp22, 19



Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 2

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2 & 4, pp46 & 48

Flashcards 21–29: ailments

Song,  PB p45

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities














SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 3 Topfit!                                            Unit 3 pp46-47  Beim Arzt

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying what is wrong with you at the doctor’s. Giving advice.


imperatives using du


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

5f use language creatively

2, 3a, 3b



Everyday activities


Listening and responding


Understand spoken dialogue at the doctor’s

1a, 2




Carry out a dialogue at the doctor’s



Reading and responding


Understand written dialogue at the doctor’s

1a, 1b




Write dialogue at the doctor’s



Key language

Seit wann hast du das?

Seit einem Tag / zwei Tagen / gestern / Freitag.

Lass mich mal sehen!

Mach mal bitte den Mund auf.

Tut das weh?

Das ist sehr / nicht so schlimm.

Was mache ich denn?

Trink viel Wasser.

Nimm dieses Medikament / diese Tropfen / Salbe fünfmal am Tag.

Bleib zwei Tage im Bett.

Geh zum Zahnarzt.

Spiel kein Tennis.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp23, 29



Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 3

Flashcards 21–29: ailments


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities












SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 3 Topfit!                                 Unit 4 pp48-49  Fit bleiben

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about keeping fit


man kann + infinitive

revision: present tense singular forms


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

2f adapt previously-learned language

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

2, 5a, 5b

5a, 5b, 6

1, 4, 6


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand phrases about how to keep fit

1, 4



Ask and answer questions about how and how often to exercise


2, 5b

Reading and responding


Understand time phrases; complete quiz about keeping fit


3, 6



Write answers for questions about keeping fit



Key language

Wie kann man fit bleiben?

Man kann schwimmen / joggen / spazieren gehen / Fußball spielen / im Sportclub trainieren / Radtouren machen / zu Fuß zur Schule gehen / gesund essen.

Wie oft gehst du schwimmen?

Ich gehe einmal / zweimal in der Woche / jeden Tag / immer / manchmal / oft / nie / selten schwimmen.


Possible ICT Opportunities

 /Unterwegs /Wie schmeckt`s 

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp24, 29



Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 4

R & A File: Grammatik 1, p52

OHTs 9A & 9B: keeping fit

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities












  • Use cartoons/photos/video clips of different people doing different things which can be categorised as gesund/ungesund.
  • Say and mime new activities. Ask pupils to write down the activity under headings gesund/ungesund. For pupils needing more support provide a list of activities from which they can select and copy.
  • Pupils repeat phrases as if they were a heavy smoker, eg with a smoker's cough, or as if they were very unfit, etc.
  • Pupils describe what friends or different members of their family do, eg Mein Bruder spielt oft Fußball. Other pupils in the class make a judgement: Das ist gesund/ungesund.
  • Using written descriptions of people carrying out healthy or unhealthy activities, pupils create and play a board game 'Gesundes Leben', where players advance by landing on 'healthy' squares and go back/miss a turn if they land on 'unhealthy' squares.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 3 Topfit!               Unit 5 pp32-33  Annalieses Tagesablauf

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about daily routine


separable verbs

12-hour clock

word order when using time (verb in second place after time expressions)


(Programmes of Study)

2h skim and scan texts

4c compare home and TL cultures

4d knowledge of TL communities


1a, 2a, 3b

1a, 4


Everyday activities


Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand spoken statements about daily routine

1a, 3a



Ask and answer questions about time and daily routine

1c, 2b


Reading and responding


Understand written statements and longer text about daily routine and time phrases

1a, 1b, 4



Write sentences about daily routine

2a, 3b


Key language

aufwachen, aufstehen, frühstücken

in die Schule / nach Hause / ins Bett gehen

zu Mittag / Abend essen


um + time + activity


Possible ICT Opportunities

 Unterwegs CD Rom ch 5 Mein Alltag

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp25, 29



Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 5

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3 & 5, pp47 & 49–50; Grammatik 2, p53

Flashcards 30–37: daily routine

OHTs 10A & 10B: daily routine


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities








  • Revise time phrases or adverbs of time. Pupils incorporate these into phrases.
  • Make up (for listening and/or reading comprehension) short passages describing a day in the life of famous German personalities. Pupils then make up similar passages about their own favourite personalities.
  • Remind pupils of the use of nicht. Pupils contrast (orally and in writing) the lifestyles of two people, one active and one lazy. This could be role-played in a humorous or exaggerated way, and recorded on video.
  • Creative writing: pupils invent characters in the style of 'Mr Men' and imagine their daily routine. This revises adjectives, as well as giving a context for third person verbs.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 3 Topfit!                 Unit 6 pp52-53  Was für eine Woche!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Understanding a report about a busy activity week


revision: verbs in the perfect tense


(Programmes of Study)

2h skim and scan texts

2j redraft writing to improve accuracy

3b use clues to interpret meaning

1a, 1b, 2

1d, 2

1a, 1b, 2


Everyday activities; Personal and social life.

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding








Reading and responding


Understand longer text about a busy activity week






Key language

As in Units 3.1–3.5

days of the week

verbs in the perfect tense

Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p26





Supplementary Teaching Opportunities





















  • Present a grid with three columns on an overhead transparency (OHT). Column one is ich habe, etc. Column two is a noun, column three a past participle. Use a strip of paper to cover each column in turn to reinforce word order.
  • Teach past time phrases, eg gestern, letzte Woche. Add a fourth column to the OHT and modify column one, eg... habe ich... .




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 3 Topfit!                     Unit 7 pp54-55  Die Familie Topfit

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: the Topfit family




(Programmes of Study)

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language


1b, 1d, 3


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand longer spoken text about the fitness routine and a doctor’s visit


1a, 2



Ask and answer questions about ailments



Reading and responding


Understand longer written text about the fitness routine of a family


1a, 1b, 1c



Complete gapfill activity about daily routine



Key language

As in Units 1–6

Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp114–115



Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 6


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities
























SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 4 Essen und einkaufen    Unit 1 pp60-61  Beim Frühstück

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about what you had for breakfast.


revision: perfect tense


(Programmes of Study)

2b pronunciation and intonation

2i summarise main points of text

4a work with authentic materials

4c compare home and TL culture

1, 3

4b, 5a

1, 5a

1, 4a, 5a


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand statements and answer questions about items of food and drink for breakfast


1, 2



Ask and answer questions about what people had for breakfast


3, 4a

Reading and responding


Understand texts about what people had for breakfast




Summarise results of breakfast survey; write sentences about what a person had for breakfast


4b, 5b

Key language

Was hast du heute zum Frühstück gegessen / getrunken?

Ich habe Toast(brot) / Müsli / Joghurt / Käse / ein Ei / Eier / Schinken / Brötchen / Brot / Butter / Marmelade / Schokomilch / Milch / Kaffee / Tee / Trinkjoghurt / nichts gegessen / getrunken.

Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 6, Wie Schmeckt’s?

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p31



Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 9

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p66

Flashcards 38–49: food and drink

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities















~Present items of food and drink using flashcards/overhead transparencies (OHTs) or real objects within the context of breakfasts and mealtimes. Get children to identify foods we often eat for breakfast and those that are eaten at other meals in England and compare with what they think the Germans eat for breakfast (ie the Continental breakfast has a much wider choice of food for breakfast than the British eat, usually).  Slowly revealing pictures of food or food labels can be a useful technique for revising food items. Words can be revealed slowly as well as pictures.

~Information is gathered from other pupils in the class about what they had for breakfast that morning. The information is entered into a datafile designed to test the hypotheses that:

o                                            pupils who got up early had a healthier breakfast than pupils who got up late

o                                            boys had a healthier breakfast than girls

~Pupils interrogate the datafile and report their findings.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 4 Essen und einkaufen    Unit 2 pp62-63  Leckerbissen!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about what you do and do not like eating.


comparatives and superlatives: (nicht) gern, lieber, am liebsten


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocabulary / structures

3c use knowledge of English / another language

5c express feelings and opinions

1, 3, 6

1, 5

4, 6, 7


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people do and do not like eating

1, 2, 4



Ask and answer questions about what people do and do not like eating


3, 6

Reading and responding


Understand texts about what people do and do not like eating





Write answers to questions about what you like eating, what you prefer and what you like most



Key language

Was isst du gern? Was isst du nicht gern?

Ich esse (nicht) gern Salat / Hähnchen / Fisch / Nudeln / Reis / Gemüse / Eintopf / Tomaten / Pizza / Kartoffeln

Isst du gern ...?

Isst du lieber ... oder …?

Ich esse (nicht) gern / lieber ... .

Was isst du am liebsten?

Am liebsten esse ich ... .


Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD Einheit 6 / German Expressions:Buying a Snack

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp32 & 39



Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 10

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p67

Flashcards 50–56: food items

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities













~Present items of food and drink using flashcards/overhead transparencies (OHTs) or real objects within the context of likes and dislikes (revised from unit 3 'Der Schultag') and revise mögen, gern, lieber and am liebsten.  Slowly revealing pictures of food or food labels can be a useful technique for presenting food items. Words can be revealed slowly as well as pictures.

~Pupils write to (or e-mail/fax) partners to describe and/or find out about their preferences for food and drink. This could lead to comparisons with those of the class.

~Offer items of German food to taste. Pupils ask for food and make comments on what they taste.


SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 4 Essen und einkaufen      Unit 3 pp64-65  Auf dem Markt

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Buying fruit and vegetables at the market.




(Programmes of Study)

2d initiate / develop conversations

3a memorise words and phrases

5f use language creatively

6a, 6b

1a, 2

6a, 6b


Everyday activities


Listening and responding


Understand items of fruit and vegetables and their prices

1, 3, 4



Say what fruit and vegetables you like eating and practise dialogue at the market


2, 6a

Reading and responding


Understand labelling of fruit and vegetables at the market

1, 3



Write dialogue in which items are bought at the market



Key language

Ich möchte ... Kilo / Gramm ... / zwei / drei ... Äpfel / Orangen / Birnen / Pflaumen / Kirschen / Trauben / Bananen / Zitronen / Erdbeeren / Tomaten / Kartoffeln / Bohnen / Zwiebeln / Gurken / Karotten / Champignons.

Sonst noch etwas?

Danke schön.


Possible ICT Opportunities

German Expressions: Shopping at the market

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p33



Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 11

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, 4 & 9, pp68, 69 & 74

Flashcards 57–72: fruit and vegetables

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities














~role plays of going shopping.  Child has card with perhaps up to 6 items on (diagrams only) and the amount they should buy for each object and the their partner should have the same items on it but only have certain amounts/items available.

~German Games with Aims, p14 (Game 4 – Einkaufen). Aim of game is to practice items and quantities and familiarisation with store names. Layout of a supermarket is photocopiable.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 4 Essen und einkaufen           Unit 4 pp66-67  Geschäfte

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about where shops are.


‘it’ (revision)

prepositions + dative


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

1b apply grammar

2c ask and answer questions

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

1a, 1b

1c, 2b, 2c

1c, 2b, 2c

1b, 2b


The world around us

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand where shops are




Ask and answer questions about where certain shops are


1c, 2b

Reading and responding


Understand written sentences about where certain shops are





Make list of shops and answer written questions about where certain shops are



Key language

Wo ist der Supermarkt / der Kiosk / der Musikladen / der Friseursalon / die Bäckerei / die Apotheke / die Konditorei / die Buchhandlung / die Metzgerei / die Boutique / das Blumengeschäft / das Sportgeschäft?

Er / Sie / Es ist in der Xstraße / gegenüber von / neben / zwischen dem / der ... .


Possible ICT Opportunities

German Expressions: Asking the Way

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp34 & 39



Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 12

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 5 & 8, pp70 & 73; Grammatik 1, p75

Flashcards 73–84: shops

OHT 11: shops

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities








~2 maps that correspond to one another (ie half places on one child’s map and other half on other map).  Children have to describe where the places are using vocab given above in key language).

~German Games with Aims, p14 (Game 4 – Einkaufen). Aim of game is to practice items and quantities and familiarisation with store names. Layout of a supermarket is photocopiable. (featured in last unit too)



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 4 Essen und einkaufen

                                                                   Unit 5 pp68-69  Das Einkaufsspiel

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about which shops you are going to. Talking about which shops things are in.


in + accusative or dative


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

5b respond to classroom events in TL

5h use language for real purposes

1, 2, 3




The world around us


Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand in which shop people are




Play the shopping game involving dialogues about which shops you go to



Reading and responding


Understand and answer questions about which shops you and your partner are going to





Write sentences about which shop people are going to and which shop people are in



Key language

Wohin gehst du?

Ich gehe in den / die / das (shops from Unit 4.4).

Wo bist du?

Ich bin im / in der ... .


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p35



Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 13

R & A File: Grammatik 2, p76

Flashcards 73–84: shops

OHT 12: shopping game


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities











~Ich brauche …. Wo finde ich das?



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 4 Essen und einkaufen                             Unit 6 pp70-71

                                                                               Ausgeben oder sparen?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about what you do with your pocket money.


perfect tense all persons singular


(Programmes of Study)

2b pronunciation and intonation

2h skim and scan texts

3b use clues to interpret meaning

1, 6

1, 4a

3, 4a


Personal and social life.

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people do with their pocket money

1, 2, 6



Ask and answer questions about pocket money


3, 6

Reading and responding


Understand written text about what people did with their pocket money and answer questions about it


4a, 4b



Write sentences about what people spent their pocket money on



Key language


Possible ICT Opportunities

Untwerwegs CD: Einheit 9

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p36



Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 14

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 6 & 7, pp71 & 72

Song, PB p71

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities




















~Pupils work out the equivalent of their own pocket money in DM or Euros. They then listen to young German people talking about aspects of pocket money and listen for the amount given to those recorded and categorise it as either more or less than they receive.

~Pupils compare within the class how many mothers give pocket money, how many fathers, how often it is both, and whether grandparents give pocket money. They then listen to the recording for a second time and make a comparison.

~Finally, pupils listen to the same recording and show their understanding of other questions used by ticking those they hear answered. Teachers focus on structures used to answer.

Pupils then ask each other the same range of questions in pairs, ‡ reporting findings back to the class.

~Introduce the question Wofür? with the structure um ... zu + infinitive, in the context of saving money. With the help of examples they are given, pupils brainstorm ideas, eg Man spart Geld, um ... zu ... .

~Pupils go on to talk/write about what they do with their pocket money, incorporating the above structure. They could also talk about what they did with their money recently, using the perfect tense, or make resolutions about how to spend it in the future, using the future tense. Suitable activities could include pair work, with reporting back of the partner's responses to questions, or a class survey with a summary of findings.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 4 Essen und einkaufen                             Unit 7 pp72-73

                                                                                 Joachims Abendessen

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: Joachim cooks for his mother’s birthday.




(Programmes of Study)

5a communicate in pairs, groups etc.

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language



1b, 3a, 4


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand prices of food items




Ask and answer questions about different dishes



Reading and responding


Understand written text about evening meal and answer questions about it


1a, 2a, 3a



Write sentences about an evening meal for the family


2c, 4

Key language

As in Units 1–6

Possible ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD: Einheit 5 / Essential German: Calendar (dates) / German Expressions: Eating Out

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp116–117



Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 15


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities




















~Pupils are asked to note down the date(s) and name(s) of a special event or events in their lives and say what they are and how they are celebrated. This allows multicultural and personal special days to be included. These dates/events can be discussed in pairs, with partner A playing the part of a reporter and partner B being interviewed. Interviews can be written up as a class newspaper feature. During the interview partner A notes down brief details on an interview grid or reporter's pad. After the interview pupils swap roles, before writing up their features.

~German Games with Aims, p43 – Ex 14 Guten Appetit! Aim of the game: a role-play for pairs giving practice in asking about and describing dishes in what can be unenlightening “menu German” (photocopiable pages p44,45)




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 5 Los geht’s nach Köln!     Unit 1 pp78-79  Meine Familie

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about your family.


possessives (mein, dein) nominative singular and plural


(Programmes of Study)

2g deal with the unpredictable

2i summarise main points of text

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

5c express feelings and opinions

1b, 2a



3, 5


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand adjectives of characterisation

2a, 2c



Ask and answer questions about a family



Reading and responding


Understand text about a family and answer questions about it


1a, 1c, 3



Describe own family


4, 5

Key language

Wie heißt Miguels ... ?

der / mein Stiefvater, die / meine Stiefmutter, der / mein Stiefbruder, der / mein Halbbruder, die /meine Stiefschwester, die / meine Halbschwester

Das ist mein / meine ... .

Nein, das ist nicht mein / meine ... .

Mein / e ... / Er / Sie ist (nicht) ... .

Meine ... / Sie sind (nicht) verständnisvoll / lustig / sympathisch / streng / gut gelaunt / nervig / streng / doof / launisch / laut / freundlich / nett.


Possible ICT Opportunities

 Unterwegs CD Rom unit 3 – Meine Familie

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp41 & 49



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 1

OHTs 13A, 13B & 14: family



Supplementary Teaching Opportunities












SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 5 Los geht’s nach Köln! 

                                                                      Unit 2 pp80-81  Ankunft in Köln

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about a journey.


perfect tense (revision)

separable verbs in the perfect tense


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

2d initiate / develop conversations

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

1b, 5, 6

1b, 5, 6


1b, 2, 6


The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people say about their journey

1a, 3, 4



Ask and answer questions about what people say about their journey


1b, 5

Reading and responding


Understand written dialogue about what people say about their journey





Write sentences about what people did during a journey; write dialogue about a journey


2, 6

Key language

Was hast du unterwegs gemacht?

Ich habe ein Buch gelesen / gegessen / getrunken / Musik gehört / geschlafen / aus dem Fenster geschaut / mit Freunden geplaudert / Computerspiele gespielt / Rätsel / nichts gemacht / einen Brief geschrieben.

Wie war die Reise?

Wann bist du abgefahren?

Willkommen in Köln!

Times (revision) Es war ziemlich / sehr / echt gut / langweilig / interessant / klasse / toll / super / O.K.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp42 & 49



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 2

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p89

OHT 15: travel

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities










SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 5 Los geht’s nach Köln!

Unit 3 pp82-83  Bei einer Gastfamilie

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about things you have left at home.

Making requests when staying with a family.


Kein in the accusative singular and plural

Darf ich ... ? / Können Sie ... ? / Kannst du ... ? + verb at the end


(Programmes of Study)

2a listen for gist and detail

2c ask and answer questions

2e vary language for context / audience

1a, 3a

2, 3b, 4

2, 4


Everyday activities; Personal and social life


Listening and responding


Understand statements about what people forgot at home and what people are asking for


1a, 3a



Ask for items you left at home; carry out a dialogue at a host family


2, 4

Reading and responding


Understand written statements about what people forgot at home and what people are asking for


1b, 3b



Copy and fill in table with request phrases



Key language

Ich habe meinen Kamm / Wecker / Kuli / Fotoapparat / meine Haarbürste / Zahnpasta / mein Handtuch / meine Socken zu Hause vergessen.

Leihst du mir bitte deinen / deine / dein ... ?

Frau / Herr Rotmann, können Sie mir bitte ... geben?

Fabian, kannst du mir bitte den Käse / die Milch / das Wasser / das Brot geben?

Ja, klar.

Darf ich meine Eltern anrufen / ein Bad nehmen / in die Stadt fahren / fernsehen?


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p43



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 3

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p90

OHT 16: requests

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities











SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 5 Los geht’s nach Köln!                 Unit 4 pp84-85  Pläne

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Making suggestions. Talking about what you are going to do.


present tense all persons singular and 1st person plural

inversion for questions, making suggestions: Spielen wir Fußball?

talking about the future (using the present tense)

word order with time expressions in the 1st place


(Programmes of Study)

1c use range of vocab / structures

2b pronunciation and intonation (‘r’)

4d knowledge of TL communities

1b, 2, 5a

1a, 6

1a, 1b, 4


Personal and social life; The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand statements about what people are going to do


1a, 3, 6



Ask and answer questions about what people are going to do


1b, 5a

Reading and responding


Understand texts about people’s plans




Write sentences with suggestions about what you and your partner are going to do


2, 5b

Key language

Was machen wir heute / morgen / übermorgen?

Machen wir eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Rhein / eine Radtour?

Vielleicht können wir den Dom besichtigen / einkaufen gehen?

Fahren wir zum Phantasialand / ins Stadtzentrum / ins Schwimmbad?

Spielen wir Fußball im Park?

Was machst du ... ?

Heute mache / fahre / gehe ich ... .


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p44



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 4

R & A File: Grammatik 1, p95

OHT 17: suggestions and plans

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities












SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 5 Los geht’s nach Köln!            Unit 5 pp86-87  Unterwegs

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking for and giving directions.


imperatives using du and Sie

zu + dative


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

2d initiate / develop conversations

2e vary language for context / audience

1a, 2a, 3a

3c, 3d

1a, 2b


The world around us; The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand spoken directions

1a, 2a, 3a



Ask for and give directions



Reading and responding


Understand written directions




Give written directions



Key language

Wie komme ich am besten zum Hauptbahnhof / Dom / Verkehrsamt / zur Jugendherberge / Post / Hauptstraße?

Geh / Gehen Sie geradeaus / nach links / rechts / über die Brücke.

Nimm / Nehmen Sie die erste / zweite / dritte Straße rechts / links.

Das ist die Hauptstraße / die Kleingasse.

Der / Die / Das ... ist auf der rechten / linken Seite.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p45



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 5

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3 & 5, pp91 & 93

OHTs 18A & 18B: directions


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities















SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 5 Los geht’s nach Köln!   Unit 6 pp88-89  Phantasialand

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Understand an extended text about an outing.


word order: time, manner, place

word order with conjunctions and adverbs (verb = second place)


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

4a work with authentic materials

5g listen / read for interest end enjoyment

1b, 2, 3b

1a, 2, 3b

1a, 4


The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand songs giving information about plans for activities and travel







Reading and responding


Understand longer written text about an outing

1a, 2, 3b



Join short sentences about an outing to make longer sentences using conjunctions



Key language

und / aber / leider / danach / dann / am Ende / also / zum Glück / zuerst / hoffentlich / als Nächstes


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p46



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 6

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 4 & 6, pp92 & 94, Grammatik 2, p96

Songs, PB p89

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities




















SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 5 Los geht’s nach Köln!

                                                                     Unit 7 pp90-91  Karneval in Köln

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: Cartoon story about carnival in Cologne.




(Programmes of Study)

4d knowledge of TL communities

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

5f use language creatively

1a, 2a


1b, 2a, 2b

3, 4


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand spoken version of longer cartoon about carnival in Cologne and answer questions about it


1a, 2a, 2b



Act out a scene about Cologne carnival with a group, using cartoon as a stimulus



Reading and responding


Understand written version of longer cartoon about carnival in Cologne





Write paragraph about events at carnival in Cologne



Key language

As in Units 1–6

Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp118–119



Cassette C, side A or CD 2, track 7


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities



















SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 6 Unter Freunden                 Unit 1 pp96-97  Einladungen

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Inviting a friend out.

Responding to an invitation and giving a reason for not going out.


möchtest du / ich muss + infinitive at the end


(Programmes of Study)

2f adapt previously-learned language

5c express feelings and opinions

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

2, 3b, 5



1a, 2, 3b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand invitations (by telephone) and responses to invitations (including excuses)


1a, 3a, 5



Invite somebody out and reply to an invitation



Reading and responding


Understand a written reply to an invitation




Write out dialogue inviting a friend out and giving excuses for not being able to go



Key language

Möchtest du zu meiner Geburtstagsparty kommen / ins Kino gehen / eine Radtour machen / zu mir kommen / Basketball spielen / schwimmen gehen?

Ja, das finde ich gut / toll / interessant / lustig / echt klasse / super.

Nein, das finde ich nicht gut / langweilig / doof / schrecklich.

Ich muss meine Großmutter besuchen. / Ich habe kein Geld. / Ich muss Hausaufgaben machen. / Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. / Ich habe nichts anzuziehen. / Ich gehe schon aus.

Hallo, hier spricht ... .

Auf Wiederhören.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p51



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 10

OHTs 19A and 19B: excuses


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities










Show how opinions can be extended using Ich meine, dass..., or Ich finde, dass... .

  • Give pupils the transcript of recordings of telephone conversations inviting somebody to stay, but with the questions and answers jumbled up. Pupils reorder into correct sequence.
  • Similar language and activities to the above activity, presented as handwritten letters of invitation and acceptance. These could be produced by the German assistant.
  • Pupils imagine a conversation between themselves and a famous person who is inviting them to a birthday party. They find out when and where it is and how long they can stay. They plan and state how they can get there. They accept or decline the invitation.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 6 Unter Freunden              Unit 2 pp98-99  Outfits für alle

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about what you like wearing.


tragen + accusative

adjectival agreement in the accusative after indefinite articles


(Programmes of Study)

1b sounds and writing

1c use a range of vocab / structures

2c ask and answer questions

2, 3

2, 4a, 4b

1b, 4b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people are wearing at a party




Ask and answer questions about what people are wearing for certain occasions


1b, 4b

Reading and responding


Understand illustrated text about what people are wearing





Write sentences describing (favourite) outfits


2, 4a

Key language

Was trägst du gern / am liebsten zum Fußballspiel / zur Karnevalsparty / Disko?

Ich trage gern / am liebsten einen karierten / gepunkteten / Rock / Schal / eine gestreifte / glitzernde Bluse / Mütze / Jeans / Krawatte / Hose / Kappe / ein weißes / grünes Trikot / Hemd / schwarze / gelbe Lackschuhe / Sportschuhe / Stiefel.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp52 & 58



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 11

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1 & 5, pp111 & 116; Grammatik 1, p117

OHTs 20A and 20B: outfits


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities













  • 'Generation game': show pupils a series of pictures of clothing on an overhead projector (OHP) and describe them at the same time, eg ein rotes Kleid, eine schöne Krawatte. Pupils have to see how many they remember. The same idea can be used with a bag of clothes.
  • Change the game to a version of 'I went to market', eg Ich nehme das rote Kleid. Pupils have to remember the correct sequence of items. This revises adjective endings from unit 7 'Städte und Länder' (nominative, accusative).
  • Show pupils a video of part of a television programme, eg a soap opera, and then turn the colour control to black and white. Pupils describe the clothing, etc from memory, eg Er trägt eine rote Hose und ein schwarzes Hemd.
  • Clothes dominoes: one half of each domino has a noun like Hemd, the other half has an adjective, eg das rote. Each pair of pupils has 20 domino cards and can only lay down a domino next to another one if the adjective and the noun fit according to the ending.
  • Give pairs of pupils five short phrases to dictate to one another to practise pronunciation and the spelling of adjectives and endings.
  • Substitution exercise: start with Paul trägt ein blaues Hemd, and then pupils change words alternately on instruction, eg verb, subject, adjective, noun.
  • Pupils describe what they prefer to wear, or what they do not wear, for different occasions such as a party. This could be done using pictures from clothes catalogues.
  • Put up an overhead transparency (OHT) with lots of phrases such as Eine Bluse ist kühler als ein Pullover. Cover key words and endings with pieces of card. See if pupils can reconstruct the full text.
  • Using a word processor, pupils work with teacher-generated texts and their own writing to make adjective endings in different contexts clear, eg by altering font size or using bold.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 6 Unter Freunden                                     Unit 3 pp100-101

 Wie war dein Geburtstag?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about your last birthday.


revision of perfect tense

revision of word order after a time phrase


(Programmes of Study)

2h skim and scan text

3b use clues to interpret meaning


1a, 2a, 4


Personal and social life


Listening and responding


Understand explanations about what people did on previous birthdays





Ask and answer questions about how you celebrated your birthday



Reading and responding


Understand longer text (letter) about a birthday

2a, 2b, 4



Write sentences about how people celebrated their birthday



Key language

Wie hast du deinen Geburtstag gefeiert?

Am Vormittag / Nachmittag / Abend habe ich ferngesehen / eine Party gehabt / Hausaufgaben / eine Radtour gemacht / im Café gegessen / Fußball / Tennis gespielt.

Am Vormittag / Nachmittag / Abend bin ich einkaufen / schwimmen / ins Kino / zur Schule gegangen / zum Phantasialand / ins Stadtzentrum gefahren / hatte ich eine Party.


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p53



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 12

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 4, pp114 & 115

OHT 21: birthday activities


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities











Use the internet or other sources to find birth dates of famous Germans. Play the Wer bin ich? game: pupils ask each other Wann hast du Geburtstag? and give the answer appropriate to a particular famous German. Pupils identify the person from an OHT/worksheet and greet the person accordingly, eg Guten Tag Boris Becker. Wie geht's?

Pupils are asked to note down the date(s) and name(s) of a special event or events in their lives and say what they are and how they are celebrated. This allows multicultural and personal special days to be included. These dates/events can be discussed in pairs, with partner A playing the part of a reporter and partner B being interviewed. Interviews can be written up as a class newspaper feature. During the interview partner A notes down brief details on an interview grid or reporter's pad. After the interview pupils swap roles, before writing up their features.  – Write a report on  their last birthday using the past.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 6 Unter Freunden                                    

                                                      Unit 4 pp102-103 Gefallen dir Talkshows?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about television programmes you like / dislike.


talking about things you like using gefallen / gefällt + mir / dir


(Programmes of Study)

2b pronunciation and intonation

5a communicate in pairs, groups etc.

5c express feelings and opinions


1b, 3

2, 3, 4


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand statements about TV programmes




Ask and answer questions about what is on TV at a certain time; discuss TV likes and dislikes with partner


1b, 3

Reading and responding


Understand written dialogue about TV programmes




Write sentences about programmes you like or dislike



Key language

Was kommt um sieben Uhr?

Der / Die / Das ... .

Gefällt dir der Wetterbericht / die Sportschau?

Gefallen dir Filme / Dokumentarfilme / Zeichentrickfilme / die Nachrichten / Musiksendungen / Talkshows / Komödien / Familienserien / Krimiserien / Kinderprogramme?

Gefällt die (Neighbours)?

Ja, das gefällt / sie gefallen mir gut.

Nein, das gefällt / sie gefallen mir nicht.


Possible ICT Opportunities

 Unterwegs CD Rom Unit 8 Frensehen

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p54



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 13

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p112

Flashcards 85–96: on TV


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities









Use pages of German TV brochures / websites – comprehension exercises, summarising.


Produce a TV page stating type of programme and description.



SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School   -   A Specialist Language College


Logo! 2 Kapitel 6 Unter Freunden                      Unit 5 pp104-105  Tschüs!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about what you want to do.


ich will + infinitive


(Programmes of Study)

2c ask and answer questions

3c use knowledge of English / another language

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

1b, 4b

1a, 3

3, 4a

1a, 3, 5


The international world

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people want to do in their holidays

1a, 5



Ask and answer questions about what people want to do in their holidays



Reading and responding


Understand written statements about what people want to do in their holidays


1a, 1b, 2a



Write sentences about plans for the summer holidays


3, 4a

Key language

Was willst du machen?

Ich will Fußball / Tennis spielen / fernsehen / nach Spanien fahren / meine Freunde / Freundinnen treffen / ins Kino / schwimmen gehen / auf einem Campingplatz übernachten / im Restaurant essen / nach Amerika fliegen.

Willst du ... machen?

Nein, das will ich nicht!


Possible ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp55 & 58



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 14

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p113; Grammatik 2, p118

OHT 22: going on holiday

Song, PB p105


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities









Write an account of what they are hoping to do at the weekend / in the holidays / on a forthcoming school visit.


  • Brainstorm ideas of what questions to ask and how to formulate them. As well as questions relating to activities, encourage pupils to ask as many questions as possible covering earlier contexts such as likes and dislikes, personal information.
  • Pupils take part in brief question and answer sessions with the German assistant.