SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College


Logo! 1 Kapitel 1 Hallo!                                      Unit 1 pp6-7 Guten Tag!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying hello and goodbye. Asking a friend’s name and giving your own. Counting to twelve.




(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing (w = v)

2b pronunciation and intonation

3a memorise words and phrases

1, 8

4, 7



Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise greetings and introductions, identify numbers from 0–12


1, 4, 5



Greet people, say your name, ask someone their name, count from 1–12


2, 7

Reading and responding


Understand written greetings and introductions; recognise written forms of numbers


1, 6a



Copy greeting / introduction phrases and numbers


3, 6b

Key language

Hallo!  Guten Tag!   Tschüs!  Auf Wiedersehen! 

Wie heißt du?  Ich heiße [name].

Numbers 0–12


ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD Rom  – Unit 1

Word Processing



Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p1


Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 1

OHT 1A & 1B: meeting and greeting

OHT 2: numbers



Supplementary  teaching opportunities




Use video or audiotapes of authentic exchanges

Simple video conferencing with local school

Show OHTs of famous faces to stimulate the pupils to answer the question Wie heißt du?

German song tape








SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College   


Logo! 1 Kapitel 1 Hallo!                              Unit 2 pp8-9 Wo wohnst du?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Naming some countries. Asking a friend where he / she lives and saying where you live.


ich wohne, du wohnst


(Programmes of Study)

3c use knowledge of English / another language

2h skim and scan texts

3a memorise words and phrases

2b, 4a


1a, 2b, 3b


The world around us

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand where people live (towns / countries)


1a, 2a, 3a



Ask someone where they live, say where you live (towns / countries)


1b, 3b

Reading and responding


Understand personal information (name, age, town, country)





Copy names of countries; answer personal information questions


2b, 4a, 4b

Key language

Was ist ... ?  

Das ist ...

Deutschland / England / Frankreich / Irland / Österreich / Schottland / die Schweiz / Wales / Holland / Belgien.

Wo wohnst du? Ich wohne in [country].

Ja. / Nein.

Du heißt [name].


ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD Rom  – Unit 2 – Länder in Europa

Word Processing


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p2


Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 2

Flashcards 1–10: European countries



Supplementary Teaching Opportunities




Display work on European Countries


The Euro








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College   


Logo! 1 Kapitel 1 Hallo!                             Unit 3 pp10-11 Das Alphabet

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying the German alphabet. Asking how to spell words and spelling out words.


der, die, das (nominative)

capital letters for nouns


(Programmes of Study)

3a memorise words and phrases

3c use knowledge of English / another language

5b respond to classroom events in TL

2a, 2b


1, 2d, 4


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise letters of the alphabet, individually and in single words, including names


1, 2a, 3



Say the German alphabet; ask how to spell words and spell out words

1, 2a,

2d, 4

Reading and responding


Read single words from illustrated alphabet; read simple sentences of alphabet rap


1, 2a



Write out single words and simple sentences from alphabet rap


2b, 2c

Key language

Wie schreibt man das?

Was ist das?   Das ist ... .

Wie bitte?

Selection of nouns for teaching alphabet e.g. der Apfel, die Banane, die CD etc.


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p21

Presentation, TG p21

ICT Pack: activity 2, alphabet and spelling


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  pp3–4



Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 3

R & A File: Grammatik 1, p7; Arbeitsblatt 3, p6

OHT 2: numbers

OHT 3: alphabet

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities


Teach statement form Das ist ein/eine... and question forms Ist das ein/eine...? and Was ist das? Possible activities could include: identifying items pictured from an unusual angle; items in silhouette on the overhead projector (OHP); items drawn one line at a time; items under a handkerchief; items in envelopes. These activities can encourage the natural more extended use of German, eg Pupil: Das ist ein Kuli, glaub' ich. Partner/teacher: Bist du sicher? Pupil: Ja, das ist ein Kuli. Ich bin sicher.

Colour code written forms to categorise nouns by gender.

Noughts and crosses game with pictures or symbols.

Picture bingo: structure this so pupils choose nouns from the three genders.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College   


Logo! 1 Kapitel 1 Hallo!                           Unit 4 pp12-13 Meine Tasche

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Naming things in your school bag. Asking what a friend has got and saying what you have got. Saying what colour things are.


ein, eine, ein (nominative)

Ich habe + accusative (einen, eine, ein) … .

Hast du + accusative (einen, eine, ein) … ?


(Programmes of Study)

5b respond to classroom events in TL

5h use language for real purposes

3, 5

1a, 4, 5


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise names of items in school bag; identify colours

1a, 4



Ask about, guess and identify items in school bags

1c, 3


Reading and responding


Read and understand short description and simple list of items in school bag





Copy lists of items in school bag; write short description of items including colour


1b, 5

Key language

der Bleistift, der Kuli, der Klebstift, der Taschenrechner, die Schere, die Kassette, die Diskette, das Etui, das Lineal, das Wörterbuch, das Heft, das Buch

[A] ist ein / eine ... .

Hast du einen / eine / ein ...?

Ich habe einen / eine / ein ... .

 [A] ... ist rot / blau / schwarz / weiß / grün / gelb / braun / bunt.


ICT Opportunities

Word processing, TG  p24

ICT Pack: activity 1, names of colours,

ICT Pack: activity 3, names of school equipment


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p5


Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 4

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p4; Grammatik 2, p8

OHT 4A & 4B: school bag / colours


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities




'Hunt the thimble'-style game: pupils hide various known objects from teacher or another pupil. Pupils repeat the question Wo ist der/die/das...? more loudly or more softly according to how close the teacher or pupil is to the hidden object. When the object is found the teacher or pupil says Ach! Hier ist der/die/das... .

Was fehlt?: pupils spot the missing item from a tray, or set of OHT drawings.

Colour code the three genders again. Emphasise the connection between the definite and indefinite articles.

Place the objects or flashcards in different boxes or places on the board according to gender. This stimulates spatial memory.




SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College                                                                                              

Logo! 1 Kapitel 1 Hallo!                        Unit 5 pp14-15 In der Klasse (1)

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Understanding what your teacher says. Counting to 31. Naming the days of the week.


imperatives (receptive)


(Programmes of Study)

2e vary language for context/audience

3a memorise words and phrases

5f use language creatively

2, 5

1a, 1b, 3

2, 5, 7


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise classroom commands; identify numbers from 13–31; recognise days of week


1a, 3, 6



Give classroom commands; make up simple sums

2, 5


Reading and responding


Understand classroom commands; recognise written form of numbers from 13–31


1a, 3



Make up a rap to practise days of week



Key language

Steht auf!  Setzt euch!  Hört zu!

Ruhe, bitte!  Schreibt es auf! Macht das Buch auf. 

Seite 00.  Macht das Heft zu! 

Jetzt Partnerarbeit.  Alles einpacken!

Numbers 13–31

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 4, numbers to 31

Unterwegs CD Rom – Unit 1

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p6


Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 5

OHT 5A: dates



Supplementary Teaching Opportunities



follow classroom instructions such as setzt euch, schreibt








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                                        

Logo! 1 Kapitel 1 Hallo!                        Unit 6 pp16-17 Mein Geburtstag

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about dates. Asking a friend how old he / she is and saying how old you are


Ordinal numbers (for dates)

Question words: wo? wie? wann? was?


(Programmes of Study)

4c compare home and target language culture

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

1a, 1b


1c, 3a, 5b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Listen to and identify days, dates and birthdays

1a, 2a, 3b



Ask when someone’s birthday is and give own birthday


Reading and responding


Recognise numbers to 31, dates and holidays (e.g. Christmas) in their written form 


1b, 1c



Write down age and birthdays; write questions and answers about personal details


3a, 5a, 5b

Key language

Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember

Wie alt bist du? Ich bin [age] Jahre alt.

Wann hast du Geburtstag? Ich habe Geburtstag am [date].


ICT Opportunities

Word processing, TG  pp27–28

Text manipulation, TG  p28

ICT Pack: activity 5, personal details, first person

ICT Pack: activity 6, numbers 1 to 31, months

Unterwegs CD Rom Unit 1


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p7


Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 6

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p5

OHT 5A & 5B: dates and holidays


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities


German Songs tape

Class survey and pictorial representation of results








SCHOOL:   Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Logo! 1 Kapitel 1 Hallo!                        Unit 7 pp18-19 Olafs Geburtstag

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: a birthday party




(Programmes of Study)

3b use clues to interpret meaning

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

1a, 3

1a, 2


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand a simple story about someone’s birthday

1a, 2



Ask and answer questions about birthday present



Reading and responding


Understand simple story about someone’s birthday

1a, 1c



Complete and make up simple sentences about:

a) personal details and b) presents and their colours


1b, 4

Key language

As in Units 1–6

ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 5, personal details, first person


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp100–101


Cassette A, side A or CD 1, track 7














SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                        

Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule           Unit 1 pp22-23 Mein Stundenplan

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying which school subjects you have. Asking a friend about his / her timetable.




(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

2b pronunciation and intonation (st /sp)

4c compare home and target language culture

1, 7


1, 3


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what subjects someone has on certain days of the week


1, 4a, 7



Say what subject you have on certain days of the week and ask your friend about it


3, 5b

Reading and responding


Understand subjects on school timetable

1, 5a



Describe favourite school day and name subjects in simple sentences



Key language

Deutsch, Französisch, Mathe, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Sport, Erdkunde, Geschichte, Religion, Kunst, Theater, Musik

Was hast du am [day]? Ich habe [subject].

Was hast du am [day] in der ersten / zweiten Stunde?


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p42

Presentation, TG p42

Word processing, TG p43

ICT Pack: activity 1, school subjects, days of the week

Produce school timetable – spreadsheet

Unterwegs CD Rom – Unit 7 – Schulfächer / Der Schultag

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p11


Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 10

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p20

Flashcards 11–23: school subjects

OHT 6: school subjects

OHT 7A: opinions


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities



Introduce the days of the week in preparation for teaching timetable subjects. These can then be practised in combination with times, classrooms and names of teachers.

Use timetables from a German school to compare names of subjects and to categorise cognates, near cognates and non-cognates.

Information gap activity: pupils work in pairs. One pupil has some times and some subjects on a timetable grid, and the other has the other times and subjects. They complete their grids by asking and answering questions.

Schiffe versenken (Battleships game): pupils choose five subjects and write them on a timetable grid which has times on the vertical axis and days of the week on the horizontal axis. Working in pairs, they ask and answer questions to find out first the subject, then the day, then the time. Each time a pupil 'misses' it is their partner's turn to ask. The pupil who 'hits' five targets first wins.






SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                               

Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule                 Unit 2 pp24-25 Deutsch ist toll!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking for and giving opinions about school subjects. Asking a friend about his / her favourite school subject. Saying what your favourite school subject is.


present tense (ich and du forms) of regular verbs


(Programmes of Study)

2h skim and scan texts

3c use knowledge of English / another language

3d use dictionaries

5c express feelings and opinions


1a, 4a


3, 5a, 5b


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand opinions about school subjects




Express opinions about school subjects and your favourite subject


3, 5a

Reading and responding


Understand opinions about school subjects

1a, 4a, 4b



Give descriptions of school subjects


1b, 5b

Key language

Wie findest du [subject]? Ich finde [subject] [adjective].

Ich finde das [adjective] toll / super / interessant / OK / nicht gut / langweilig / anstrengend / schwierig.

Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?

Mein Lieblingsfach ist [subject].


ICT Opportunities

Unterwegs CD Rom – Unit 7 – Lieblingsfächer

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p12


Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 11

Flashcards 11–23: school subjects

OHT 7A & 7B: opinions


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities






Pair work: pupils say what they believe their partner's opinion to be. The partner agrees/disagrees.

Pupils write/word process their own opinions on each subject anonymously. Display these with numbers. Pupils read and assign names to sets of opinions.

Read e-mailed descriptions of a German partner's views on school.

Pupils make up an acrostic using school subjects or a day of the week, expressing likes and dislikes, eg
Montags habe ich Mathe.
Aber ich habe Mathe nicht gern.
Turnen habe ich lieber.
Hast du ein Lieblingsfach?
Englisch zum Beispiel?









SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                               

Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule                  Unit 3 pp26-27 Wie spät ist es?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Counting to 60. Asking and giving the time. Asking and saying when things start.




(Programmes of Study)

2c ask and answer questions

5a communicate in pairs, groups etc.

4, 5b, 6

1b, 4, 5b


Everyday activities, personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Identify numbers to 60; understand times (hours and minutes)


1a, 5a



Say numbers to 60; give times (hours and minutes)


1b, 4, 5b

Reading and responding


Understand short statements about times; answer questions about when things start


3, 6


AT4/1, 3

Copy and write numbers to 60; describe TV programme


2, 7

Key language

Numbers 32–60

Times in hours and minutes e.g. acht Uhr fünfundvierzig

Wie spät ist es? Es ist [time]. Zwei Uhr zwanzig / acht Uhr fünfundvierzig etc.

Wann beginnt [school subject / TV programme] am [day]?

Um [time].


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 3, numbers 1–31, telling the time

Unterwegs CD Rom – Unit 5 – Wie spat ist es?

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  pp13–14


Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track12

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 4, p23

OHT 6: school subjects

OHT 8: times


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities






After learning the time, pupils do a 'total physical response' game in which they respond to a time stated by the teacher or a pupil by moving their arms to simulate the hands on a clock.

Clock dominoes game: pupils match digital time to written time.

'Mission impossible': pupils are given a time card and have to find three other pupils with the same time card. They circulate around the class asking Wie viel Uhr ist es? until they find their team of four. They then receive a time puzzle game to solve in their teams, eg matching words to number times, unscrambling words, time sums such as Es ist Mittag. Fünfzehn Minuten später ist es 12.15 oder 12.50? This can be done as a race.









SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                              

Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule             Unit 4 pp28-29 In der Klasse (2)

Activity no.


Asking for help in the German classroom. Talking to your teacher.


difference between du and Sie


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing (ei / ei)

2e vary language for context / audience

5b respond to classroom events in TL

1b, 3a, 4


1a, 1b, 3c


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand classroom commands, problems and requests


1b, 3a, 4



Repeat classroom commands; make requests about items and situations in the classroom


1b, 3a, 4

Reading and responding


Match English and TL classroom commands; understand written information about classroom routine


1a, 3b, 3c



Write out questions to teacher and to partner



Key language

Ich habe ein Problem.

Wie sagt man ... auf Deutsch / auf Englisch?

Noch mal, bitte.  Wie bitte?  Ich verstehe das nicht.

Ja. / Nein.  Danke.

Herr / Frau

Haben Sie ...?

Hier ist ...


ICT Opportunities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p15


Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 13

R & A File: Grammatik 1, p105; Arbeitsblatt 5, p24

Song: PB p29

Supplementary Teaching Opportunities



Simon Says with classroom instructions







SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                            

Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule              Unit 5 pp30-31 Das Pausenbrot

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend what he / she eats at break and saying what you eat. Asking a friend what he / she drinks at break and saying what you drink


present tense (ich and du forms) of regular and irregular verbs including question forms


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

4a work with authentic materials

4d knowledge of TL communities

3a, 5a, 5b

1, 4a

1, 2, 4a


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Identify food and drink from short statements

1, 2, 4a



Ask what someone eats and drinks; ask personal questions in interview style


3a, 5b

Reading and responding


Recognise which snack items are eaten / available on certain days of the week




AT4/1, 3

Write list of snacks; describe your favourite snack


3b, 4c, 5a

Key language

Was isst / trinkst du in der Pause?

Ich esse / trinke ...

einen Orangensaft / eine Cola / ein Butterbrot / ein Stück Kuchen / Chips / Kekse / Schokolade / eine Banane / einen Apfel / eine Orange / nichts.


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 4, food and drink


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p16


Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 14

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p21

Flashcards 24–30: drinks and snacks


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities






Present items of food and drink using flashcards/overhead transparencies (OHTs) or real objects

Using students’ own packed lunches as class / pair / groupwork

Kim’s game








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                                  

Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule

                                                  Unit 6 pp32-33 Was trägst du zur Schule?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying what you wear to school. Asking a friend what he / she wears to school


ich trage + accusative


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

4c compare home and TL culture

3, 4, 5

1, 4, 5


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Identify items of clothing from short dialogues and match with people





Say what you wear to school



Reading and responding


Identify people from what they are wearing

1, 6



Describe what people and you are wearing to school

3, 5


Key language

Was trägst du zur Schule? Ich trage …

einen Pullover / einen Rock / eine Hose / eine Jacke / eine Jeans / eine Krawatte / ein Hemd / ein T-Shirt / ein Sweatshirt / Schuhe / Sportschuhe.


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p54

Word processing, TG p54

ICT Pack: activity 5, clothes, colours


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p17


Cassette A, side B or CD 1, 15

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p22; Grammatik 1–2, pp25–26

Flashcards 31–41: items of clothing


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities






'Generation game': show pupils a series of pictures of clothing on an overhead projector (OHP) and describe them at the same time, eg ein rotes Kleid, eine schöne Krawatte. Pupils have to see how many they remember. The same idea can be used with a bag of clothes.

Change the game to a version of 'I went to market', eg Ich nehme das rote Kleid. Pupils have to remember the correct sequence of items.

Show pupils a video of part of a television programme, eg a soap opera, and then turn the colour control to black and white. Pupils describe the clothing, etc from memory, eg Er trägt eine rote Hose und ein schwarzes Hemd.

Clothes dominoes: one half of each domino has a noun like Hemd, the other half has an adjective, eg das rote. Each pair of pupils has 20 domino cards and can only lay down a domino next to another one if the adjective and the noun fit according to the ending

Substitution exercise: start with Paul trägt ein blaues Hemd, and then pupils change words alternately on instruction, eg verb, subject, adjective, noun.


Join together, on the board or an OHP, nouns colour coded by gender, eg Hand + Schuh, to show how the last word always governs the gender.

Present compound nouns like Badeanzug and Schulhemd using a word processor. Pupils break them down.





SCHOOL:   Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                            

Logo! 1 Kapitel 2 Die Schule            Unit 7 pp34-35 Die Fußballschule

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: a football school in Germany




(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

3b interpret meaning

3a, 3b

1b, 2


Everyday activities, personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand opinions about school subjects (revision of familiar vocabulary)





Give presentation about school day, speaking from notes



Reading and responding


Read and extract information from a longer text about school subjects and routines


1a, 1b



Produce presentation about school day in written form



Key language

As in Units 1–6

ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 2, days of the week, school routine, subjects,

ICT Pack: activity 6, days of the week, school routine, subjects

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp102–3


Cassette A, side B or CD 1, track 16


Supplementary Teaching Opportunities














SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                 

Logo! 1 Kapitel 3 Meine Familie              Unit 1 pp38-39 Geschwister

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend if he / she has got any brothers and sisters. Saying if you have got any brothers and sisters.


present tense (er and sie forms)

revision of W question words


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

2c ask and answer questions

2i summarise main points of text

1, 4b

3, 4b, 6

4a, 4b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand and note down information, including ages, about brothers and sisters


1, 2, 5



Ask and answer questions, including ages, about brothers and sisters


3, 6

Reading and responding


Understand short text and answer questions about brothers and sisters including age and birthday


4a, 4b



Carry out and respond to questionnaire about brothers and sisters


4b, 6

Key language

Hast du Geschwister?

Ja, ich habe ... einen Bruder / zwei Brüder / eine Schwester / zwei Schwestern.

Nein, ich habe keine Geschwister.

Wie alt ist er / sie?

Er / Sie ist [age] Jahre alt.


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 1, brothers and sisters

Unterwegs CD Rom – Unit 3 Meine Familie


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p21


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 1

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p38, Arbeitsblatt 5, p42;

Grammatik 1, p43

OHT 9: brothers and sisters


Supplementary teaching opportunities





Display work on family

Match written/spoken text to photographs of people or pictures of cartoon characters. Then ask pupils to write their own statements or short paragraphs for a matching game, using familiar characters or their own family details. The modifiers sehr and ziemlich can be introduced as appropriate.

Discuss family photographs in groups, introducing and describing other families/pets. Video presentation: pupils describe their family and pets in German using a piece of family video without the sounds.

Pupils enter information about brothers, sisters and pets into a datafile. The information can then be used to answer specific questions and present results. Individual pupil records can be added to during subsequent units.

Pupils listen to/read first person accounts and transfer them to third person using pronouns. Pupils use a simplified word list to check meanings and find new adjectives.





SCHOOL:    Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                         

Logo! 1 Kapitel 3 Meine Familie                    Unit 2 pp40-41 Haustiere

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend if he / she has got any pets and saying if you have got any pets. Asking a friend about the pets he / she likes / dislikes. Saying which pets you like / dislike.


plurals of nouns

revision of accusative (ich habe + accusative)


(Programmes of Study)

2g deal with the unpredictable

3a memorise words and phrases

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

1a, 4, 6

1b, 2, 4



Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what pet(s) someone has and his / her opinion about it / them


1a, 3, 5b



Ask and say what pet(s) you have and express likes / dislikes


2, 4, 6

Reading and responding


Understand what pet(s) someone has and his / her opinion about it


1a, 6


AT4/1, 3

Compile lists of pets, finding meaning of words in glossary; write sentences about your pet(s) and your opinion about various animals


1b, 5a, 7

Key language

Hast du Haustiere?

Nein. Ja, ich habe ...

einen Hund / zwei Hunde / einen Goldfisch / einen Vogel / zwei Vögel / eine Katze / drei Katzen / eine Schlange / zwei Schlangen / eine Maus / vier Mäuse / ein Kaninchen / zwei Kaninchen / ein Meerschweinchen / drei Meerschweinchen / ein Pferd / zwei Pferde.

Wie findest du die Pferde?

Ich finde Spinnen nicht gut.

ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 2, animals

Unterwegs CD Rom – Unit 3 Meine Familie – Hast du ein Haustier?


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p22


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 2

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p39; Grammatik 2–3, pp44–45

OHT 2: numbers


Supplementary teaching opportunities





Ask pupils to provide a single word about a family member/pet, eg Hund, and build a sentence or question around it, eg Ich habe keinen Hund. Reverse the roles when ready.

Model and practise questions with the class. Pupils interview each other about family, etc, using visual or written prompts at first. This can be followed by an information-gap activity on a different family for third person practice.

Pupils write labels and descriptions for a family tree, based on a model provided.

As pupils know their own details, it can be useful to offer 'unpredictable' combinations of detail for practice. A game offering 'unpredictable' answers to a given set of interview questions on family detail can be played with home-made dice. Each face of each die has different information, eg number of brothers or sisters, pets.

Identification game: Wer ist das? Choose famous people from the media or cartoon characters and make statements that describe the character, eg Sie hat einen Bruder, und eine Schwester. Ihr Bruder heißt Bart, etc. Ask pupils to work out who the person is.


SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                          

Logo! 1 Kapitel 3 Meine Familie          Unit 3 pp42-43 Beschreibungen

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking what other people look like and describing other people. Saying what you look like.


present tense of haben and sein


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

1c use a range of vocab / structures

2h skim and scan texts

1c, 3, 4

1b, 1c, 3



Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand descriptions of people (hair, eye colour, build)





Ask about and give information concerning eye and hair colour



Reading and responding


Extract specific information from e-mail giving descriptions (hair, eyes, height, clothes)





Write sentences describing yourself and your favourite teacher


1b, 3, 4

Key language

Wie sieht er / sie aus?

Er/Sie hat ...  / Ich habe ...

blonde / braune / schwarze / kurze / lockige / glatte Haare.

blaue / grüne / braune Augen.

Er / Sie ist ...  / Ich bin ...

ziemlich / sehr groß /mittelgroß / klein / dick / schlank.


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 3,  personal details, 3rd person


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp23–34


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 3

R & A File: Grammatik 2, p64

OHT 10: descriptions – hair, eyes, clothes


Supplementary teaching opportunities



Pupils build up sentences adding adjectives each time, eg Ich bin groß..., Ich bin groß und intelligent... .

Match written/spoken text to photographs of people or pictures of cartoon characters. Then ask pupils to write their own statements or short paragraphs for a matching game, using familiar characters or their own family details. The modifiers sehr and ziemlich can be introduced as appropriate.

Discuss family photographs in groups, introducing and describing other families/pets. Video presentation: pupils describe their family and pets in German using a piece of family video without the sounds.

Pupils enter information about brothers, sisters and pets into a datafile. The information can then be used to answer specific questions and present results. Individual pupil records can be added to during subsequent units.

Pupils listen to/read first person accounts and transfer them to third person using pronouns. Pupils use a simplified word list to check meanings and find new adjectives.










SCHOOL:   Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                          

Logo! 1 Kapitel 3 Meine Familie          Unit 4 pp44-45 Stefans Familie

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend about the members of his / her family. Talking about the members of your own family.


mein / dein (nominative singular, m + f)

no apostrophe for possessives

revision of er / sie forms of verbs

introduction to qualifiers


(Programmes of Study)

3c use knowledge of English / another language

2a listen for gist and detail

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment


1a, 4a

4a, 4b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise names and ages of relatives

1a, 4a



Ask and answer questions about relatives


1b, 1c, 3

Reading and responding


Understand and answer questions about family tree

1b, 4b



Write sentences describing relatives (age, hair, build)



Key language

Wie alt ist ... dein Bruder? / deine Schwester?

Wie heißt ... deine Tante? / dein Onkel?

Meine Mutter / Meine Großmutter / Meine Tante / Meine Cousine /  Sie ...

Mein Vater / Mein Großvater / Mein Onkel / Mein Cousin /

Er ...

 heißt [name].

 ist [age] Jahre alt.


ICT Opportunities

Word processing, TG p72

ICT Pack: activity 4, personal details, 1st and / or 3rd person

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p25


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 4

Song: PB, p45

R & A File: Grammatik 4, p46

OHT 11A & 11B: families

Supplementary teaching opportunities











SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                          

Logo! 1 Kapitel 3 Meine Familie          Unit 5 pp46-47 Bist du kreativ?

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking about people’s characteristics. Talking about people’s characteristics.


revision of present tense (er and sie forms)

word order for asking questions


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

2c ask and answer questions

3, 4, 6

3, 5b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Match descriptions (adjectives about character) of people with their photos


1, 2



Ask and answer questions about people’s characters


3, 5b

Reading and responding


Understand descriptions of people




Write description of self, family and others

4, 6


Key language

Wie ist dein / deine ...? 

Er / Sie ist ... musikalisch / sportlich / faul / intelligent / nett / lustig / laut / schüchtern / kreativ.


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p75

ICT Pack: activity 5, descriptive words


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p26


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 5

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p40, Arbeitsblatt 4, p41


Supplementary teaching opportunities













SCHOOL: :  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                        

Logo! 1 Kapitel 3 Meine Familie                        Unit 6 pp48-49 Briefe

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Understanding a longer letter. Writing a letter.




(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

2b pronunciation and intonation

2e vary language for context / audience

3c use knowledge of English / another language

5e use a range of resources including ICT

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / 

written language

2a, 2b, 3

2a, 3

1c, 1d

1a, 1b, 2a

1c, 1d


1a, 1c, 1d


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise German sounds

2b, 3



Practise German pronunciation



Reading and responding


Understand longer letter

1a, 2a



Copy letter phrases and write own letter

1b, 1c, 1d


Key language

Köln, den 11. April

Liebe / Lieber …,

vielen Dank für deinen Brief

Hier ist ein Foto ...

Schreib bald wieder

Dein / Deine


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p77

Word processing, TG p77

ICT Pack: activity 6, pets, descriptive words and phrases, brothers and sisters, 1st and / or 3rd person, letter writing


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p27


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 6


Supplementary teaching opportunities












SCHOOL:  :  Frederick Gough School – a Specialist Language College                                                                                                                                                                               

Logo! 1 Kapitel 3 Meine Familie 

                                                      Unit 7 pp50-51 Die Hunde-Ausstellung

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: a dog show.




(Programmes of Study)

2f adapt previously-learned language

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

1, 2a, 4


2b, 2c, 4


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand description of dogs




Describe dog



Reading and responding


Read and answer questions about text (describing dogs) and letter


1, 2b, 3



Write description of dog



Key language

As in Units 1–6

ICT Opportunities

Presentation, TG p78

ICT Pack: activity 6, pets, pescriptive words and phrases, brothers and sisters, 1st and / or 3rd person, letter writing


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp 104–5


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 7


Supplementary teaching opportunities















SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School- A Specialist Language College                                                                                              


Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit                                            Unit 1 pp54-55 Sport


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend which sports he / she likes. Saying which sports you like.


inversion (Ich finde X ... . or X finde ich … .)

word order (verb as second idea)


(Programmes of Study)

2a listen for gist and detail

3c use knowledge of English / another language

5c express feelings and opinions

1b, 4

1a, 2, 4

3a, 3b, 6


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Identify names of sports and people's personal preferences


1b, 4



Name and express opinions about sports


2, 3b

Reading and responding

AT3/1, 3

Understand short texts about different sports

1a, 5



Write about opinions of sports


3a, 6, 7

Key language

Tennis, Fußball, Schwimmen, Basketball, Rugby, Rollschuhlaufen, Radfahren, Angeln, Leichtathletik, Hockey, Tanzen

Magst du [sport]?

Ja, das mag ich. Nein, das mag ich nicht. Das ist O.K.

Ich finde [sport] [adjective].

[sport] finde ich [adjective].


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p91

Word processing, TG p91

ICT Pack: activity 1, opinion phrases, sports activities

Unterwegs  unit8

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p. 31


Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 10

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p58; Grammatik 5, p67

Flashcards 51–61: sports


Supplementary teaching opportunities




Carry out a class survey using the question Wie findest du...?, and show the results on a bar chart.










 School: Frederick Gough School- A Specialist Language College                                                                                              


Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit                                        Unit 2 pp56-57 Hobbys


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend about his / her hobbies. Talking about your hobbies.


revision of present tense (regular and irregular verbs), including inversion (ich und du)

revision of word order


(Programmes of Study)

1a sounds and writing

1b apply grammar

2j redraft writing (check sentences and correct)

1a, 3b

3a, 4, 6

7, 8


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand short phrases about hobbies, match them with pictures


1a, 1b, 4



Talk about own hobbies, ask friend about his/her hobbies


2, 5

Reading and responding


Read, match and correct sentences about hobbies

3b, 6



Write sentences about hobbies describing typical week


3a, 7, 8

Key language

Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

Ich spiele [sport] Klavier, am Computer.

Ich gehe schwimmen.  Ich fahre Rad.

Ich tanze. Ich höre Musik. Ich sehe fern.

Ich lese (Comics / Bücher). Ich faulenze.

Ich besuche Freunde. Ich gehe ins Kino.

Spielst du ...? Hörst du Musik? Am Sonntag gehe ich ins Kino.

Das finde ich ... gut / O.K. / langweilig.


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p92

ICT Pack: activity 2, week time activities, 1st person, days of week, opinion phrases

ICT Pack: activity 3: leisure activities, opinion phrases

Unterwegs Unit 8

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p32


Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 11

R & A File: Arbeitsblätter 2–3, pp59–60; Arbeitsblatt 5, p62

OHT 12A & 12B: leisure activities


Supplementary teaching opportunities




Pupils work in pairs. They rank their likes, and predict the likes of their partner, using gern, lieber, am liebsten and Lieblings... . They then compare their predictions, eg Du spielst gern Fußball, meine ich. Ja, das stimmt/Nein, das stimmt nicht.

Reinforce grammar with 'human sentences' at the front of the class, eg one pupil holds a card with ich, another with gehe. When another pupil stands at the front of the 'sentence' with jeden Tag on a card, pupils have to stand in a different order.

Pupils play a simple board game with a die. Pupils take it in turns to throw the die. If the die shows 2, for example, the pupil says zweimal in der Woche and moves their counter two places, then turns over a picture/symbol card of leisure activities, and adds spiele ich Fußball. If the pupil cannot supply the accurate German, they cannot move their counter. The first person to complete the course around the board wins.









School: Frederick Gough School- A Specialist Language College                                                                                             


Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit                          Unit 3 pp58-59 Familienfreizeit


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking what people like / dislike doing. Saying what people like / dislike doing.


verb + gern and mag + noun

singular forms of present tense verbs


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

5c express feelings and opinions

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

1c, 1e, 2b

1c, 1d


1e, 2b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what various people like doing




Ask and answer questions what you like / dislike doing



Reading and responding


Understand longer text and answer questions about likes / dislikes


1a, 1b



Describe what people like / dislike doing


2b, 3

Key language

Was macht deine Familie (nicht) gern?

Mein Bruder / Meine Schwester sieht (nicht) gern fern.

Er / Sie spielt (nicht) gern Fußball.

Was machst du (nicht) gern?

Ich spiele (nicht) gern Klavier / am Computer.


ICT Opportunities

Word processing, TG p95

ICT Pack: activity 4, personal details 1st person, animals, numbers 1 to 31, activities

Unterwegs Unit 8

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp32–34


Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 12

R & A File: Grammatik 1–4, pp63–66

OHT 12A & 12B: leisure activities


Supplementary teaching opportunities




Use flashcards or symbols on OHT, or use famous names, to teach third person of verbs.








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School 


Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit                                Unit 4 pp60-61 Brieffreunde


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Understanding short texts about others. Finding out information about others.


revision of present tense (er and sie)


(Programmes of Study)

2d initiate / develop conversations

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

1c, 1e, 1d

1a, 2a


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand descriptions of pen friends




Ask and answer questions about pen friends



Reading and responding


Understand personal information and answer questions

1a, 1b, 2b



Write about likes / dislikes of family members



Key language


ICT Opportunities

Word processing, TG p96

ICT Pack: activity 4, personal details 1st person, animals, numbers 1 to 31, leisure activities


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p35


Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 13

Song, PB p61


Supplementary teaching opportunities




Having initially created and saved their work on a word processor, pupils could send individual e-mails to a partner school in Germany, saying as much as possible about themselves, drawing on language from all the units so far.








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School –A Specialist Language College                                                                                              


Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit                                   Unit 5 pp62-63 Treffpunkt


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Arranging a date with a friend.


Möchtest du ...? + infinitive at the end


(Programmes of Study)

2a listen for gist and detail

2d initiate / develop conversations

2g deal with the unpredictable

5e use a range of resources including ICT

1, 3

4, 5a

1, 4

2, 5a


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand dialogues about arranging dates and planning activities


1, 3



Carry out dialogues about arranging dates and planning activities


4, 5a

Reading and responding


Understand written dialogues about arranging dates and planning activities





Write e-mail arranging a date with a friend; fill in an engagement diary


2, 5b

Key language

Hast du am [day] Zeit?

Möchtest du schwimmen gehen?

Wann treffen wir uns?

(Wir treffen uns) um [time].


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 3, leisure activities, opinion phrases


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p36


Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 14

Flashcards 51–61: sports

OHT 13A & 13B: arranging meetings

Supplementary teaching opportunities












SCHOOL:Frederick Gough School –A Secialist Language College                                                                                               


Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit               Unit 6 pp64-65 Meine Lieblingssachen


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend about his / her favourite things. Talking about your favourite things.


possessive: mein / dein (revision) and sein / ihr (introduction)

genders of possessives (mein. meine, mein, meine etc.)


(Programmes of Study)

2i summarise main points of text

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

4a, 5a

1a, 1b, 3


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding

AT1/1, 3

Understand interview about favourite things

1b, 1c, 5a



Carry out dialogue about classmates’ favourite things



Reading and responding


Understand short text about a person’s favourite things




Write questions and sentences about favourite things


1a, 2, 3

Key language

Was ist dein / deine...?

Mein / Meine ...,  Sein / Seine ..., Ihr / Ihre …

Lieblingsfach, Lieblingshobby, Lieblingstag, Lieblingsmonat, Lieblingskleidungsstück, Lieblingssport, Lieblingsfarbe, Lieblingsfußballmannschaft


ICT Opportunities

Presentation, TG p100

ICT Pack: activity 6, animals, colours, sports, asking questions


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p37


Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 15

R & A File: Grammatik 6, p68

OHT 14A & 14B: favourite things


Supplementary teaching opportunities




Pupils work in pairs. They rank their likes, and predict the likes of their partner, using gern, lieber, am liebsten and Lieblings... . They then compare their predictions, eg Du spielst gern Fußball, meine ich. Ja, das stimmt/Nein, das stimmt nicht

Class display of favorite things








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School- A Secialist Language College                                                                                              


Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit                  Unit 7 pp66-67 Club elf bis sechzehn


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: Club 11–16




(Programmes of Study)

2d initiate / develop conversations

2f adapt previously-learned language

5e use a range of resources including ICT

1b, 1d

1a, 1c, 3

1c, 3


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand leisure activities in a youth club programme




Ask and answer questions about planned leisure activities



Reading and responding


Understand information from postcards about leisure activities


2a, 2b, 2c



Complete sentences about leisure activities; write own postcard about leisure activities


1a, 1c

Key language

As in Units 1–6

ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 5, letter writing, time, activities, opinion phrases


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp106–7


Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 16















SCHOOL:Frederick Gough School –A Secialist Language College                                                                                       


Logo! 1 Kapitel 5 Zu Hause                Unit 1 pp70-71 Hier wohne ich

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend where he / she lives and saying where you live. Swapping addresses and phone numbers.


Ich wohne + auf / in / am ….


(Programmes of Study)

2a listen for gist and detail

5a communicate in pairs, groups etc.

1a, 2, 5b

1b, 3, 5b


The world around us

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand names of places; identify where various people live


1a, 2, 5a



Ask where a partner lives; say where you live (including address)


1b, 3, 5b

Reading and responding


Match pictures and text about places where people live




Write a paragraph about where you live



Key language

Wo wohnst du?

Ich wohne ... in einem Haus / in einer Wohnung / auf dem Land / in einer Stadt / an der Küste / in einem Dorf.

Wie ist deine Adresse? Wie ist deine Telefonnummer?

Meine Adresse ist ... .

Meine Telefonnummer ist ... .


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 1, where people live

Unterwegs CD Rom 2 Wo wohnst du? 4 Bei mir zu Hause

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p41


Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 1

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p80

OHT 15A & 15B: location of house or flat


Supplementary teaching opportunities




  • Teach the points of the compass using an OHT map of Germany with bordering countries and Länder as overlays. Add key cities as appropriate.
  • Use visuals/tape/video to present a range of people saying Ich wohne in..., in einem Haus/einer Wohnung, etc. Remove key words, first the nouns, then the prepositions and verb. Pupils reinstate these in speech/writing.
  • Ensure all pupils know in meinem Haus/in meiner Wohnung at least as set phrases. Use pupils to teach basic meanings of hinter, neben, gegenüber, vor. Teacher models questions, eg Wo ist Lee? Er ist hinter Louise und neben Paul. Pupils take over questions and answers as team quiz









SCHOOL:  Frederick Gough School –A Secialist Language College                                                                                     


Logo! 1 Kapitel 5 Zu Hause                       Unit 2 pp72-73 Mein Haus

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking and saying where things are in the house. Saying what you do in your house.


dative: im / in der

inversion (revision)

present tense (revision)


(Programmes of Study)

1b apply grammar

2b pronunciation and intonation

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

2, 3a, 4b

1, 5

1, 3a


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people do in certain rooms

1, 3b



Say what you do in the house


1, 4b, 5

Reading and responding


Understand and which room is being described




Describe in sentences what you do in the house


2, 4a

Key language

Hier / Das ist ...

der Garten / der Keller / die Küche / die Toilette / das Wohnzimmer / das Badezimmer / das Esszimmer / das Schlafzimmer / mein Zimmer.

Der Fußball ist im Garten. Die Katze ist im Keller.

Hier koche ich. Hier wasche ich mich.

Hier schlafe ich. Hier plaudere ich.

Hier mache ich meine Hausaufgaben. Hier höre ich Musik.

Hier sehe ich fern. Hier spiele ich Fußball.

Hier lese ich. Hier esse ich.


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 2, rooms of house, location of rooms, activities at home

Unterwegs 4 Bei mir zu Hause

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p42


Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 2

Flashcards 62–69: rooms

OHT 16A: house – rooms and activities


Supplementary teaching opportunities




  • Show Wohnung, wohnen, Wohnzimmer as an introduction to the concept of compound words, especially nouns. Pupils search for other examples, eg Schlafzimmer.
  • . Teach the names of rooms using estate agents' copy, then play 'the estate agents' game'. Using estate agents' plans of new houses or flats pupils present the new accommodation to prospective clients. Pupils work in pairs. Pupil A plays the part of the estate agent. Pupil B is the client and has particular requirements on a cue card and asks questions, eg Gibt es eine Dusche? until they find the most appropriate accommodation for their needs.
  • Pupils describe their own home.









SCHOOL:Frederick Gough School  - A Specialist Language College                                                                                  


Logo! 1 Kapitel 5 Zu Hause                   Unit 3 pp74-75 So helfe ich

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying how you help around the house. Asking a friend how he / she helps around the house.


separable verbs

frequency expressions


(Programmes of Study)

2c ask and answer questions

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

5h use language for real purposes



1b, 3a, 3b



Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand new vocabulary for helping around the house





Ask and answer questions about duties in the house



Reading and responding


Understand sentences and dialogue about helping around the house


1a, 2



Write sentences about you help around the house


1b, 3a

Key language

Ich mache das Bett. Ich wasche ab. Ich trockne ab.

Ich wasche das Auto. Ich arbeite im Garten.

Ich räume mein Zimmer auf. Machst du das Bett?

Trocknest du ab? Gehst du einkaufen?

Ja, das mache ich oft / manchmal.

Nein, das mache ich selten / nie.


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 3, daily activities, 1st person


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, pp43–44


Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 3

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p81; Grammatik 1, p85

OHT 16A & 16B: house – rooms and activities


Supplementary teaching opportunities












SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School – A Secialist Language College                                                                                  


Logo! 1 Kapitel 5 Zu Hause                Unit 4 pp76-77 Mein Zimmer

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Saying what you’ve got in your room. Asking a friend what he / she has got in his / her room.



Das ist … .  Das sind ….

singular / plural nouns

deinem / meinem (lexical items)


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

2h skim and scan texts

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

1c, 3


1b, 2a, 4


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand list of items in a bedroom




Ask and answer questions identifying items in a bedroom


1c, 3

Reading and responding


Understand written descriptions of bedrooms

2a, 2b



Make lists of items in your room; describe your room in full sentences


1b, 4

Key language

Hast du ...?

Ich habe ... (k)einen Tisch / (k)einen Stuhl / (k)einen Schrank / (k)einen Fernseher / (k)einen Computer / (k)eine Kommode / (k)eine Stereoanlage / (k)ein Bett, / (k)ein Bücherregal.

In meinem Zimmer mache ich meine Hausaufgaben und ich sehe fern.


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p121

Word processing, TG p122

ICT Pack: activity 4, items in a bedroom


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p45


Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 4

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p82

Flashcards 70–78: bedroom furniture

OHT 17A: bedroom furniture and prepositions

Supplementary teaching opportunities



  • Teach the names of furniture and equipment from advertising copy/catalogues/internet material.
  • Give examples of, and ask pupils to word-hunt for, cognates, eg Computer, or near-cognates, eg Haus, Garten, in the German they have learnt and in simple authentic texts, eg extracts from shopping catalogues/internet shopping copy.
  • Pupils conduct a survey to discover what furniture and equipment pupils have in their rooms, eg computers, TVs, tape recorders, CD players, etc, as well as wardrobes, desks, bookshelves.
  • When the survey is complete, pupils write up some examples of their findings using third persons singular and plural, eg Sophia, Stephen und Umesh haben alle einen Fernseher im Schlafzimmer. Ich habe keinen Fernseher, aber meine Mutter hat einen Computer.
  • Show how es gibt takes the accusative like haben. Consolidate 'verb as second idea' concept using pupils holding cards that contain parts of sentences.









SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School – A Specialist Language College                                                                                       


Logo! 1 Kapitel 5 Zu Hause           Unit 5 pp78-79 Meine Arbeitsecke


Activity no.

Learning objectives

Describing where things are. Asking where things are.


prepositions + dative


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

2h skim and scan texts

1c, 2

1a, 3a


Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Listen for true / false statements describing where items are in the room





Carry out a dialogue about the position of items in a room



Reading and responding

AT3/2, 4

Understand text with description of where items are situated


1a, 3a, 3b



Write sentences describing position of items in a work place


2, 4

Key language

Wo ist der / die / das ...?

Wo sind die ...?

Der / Die / Das [object] ist [preposition + dative + noun].

die Hefte, die Disketten, die Kassetten, die CDs


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 5, position words, names of common items


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p46


Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 5

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 4, p83; Grammatik 2–3, pp86–87

OHT 17A & 17B: bedroom furniture and prepositions


Supplementary teaching opportunities




  • Use overhead projector (OHP) pictures and/or doll's house furniture to show dative and add auf and unter to the list of prepositions. Build up from dem/einem to meinem ( ‡ seinem/ihrem). Return to the OHT used in section 3. Highlight and link the in to the article ending on the OHT, then substitute and practise the other prepositions before transferring to home/rooms context.
  • Information gap pair-work activity: each pupil has a different version of a picture or plan of a room with various items of furniture or equipment. In each picture different items are missing, but listed. Pupils ask each other questions to find out where the missing items should be. A variation of this is where the different pictures or plans are complete but items are not all in the same places. By asking questions pupils find out the differences, eg Pupil A: Wo ist die Lampe? Pupil B: Auf dem Tisch. Pupil A: Hier ist die Lampe neben dem Sofa.









SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School – A Specialist Language College                                                                                   


Logo! 1 Kapitel 5 Zu Hause           Unit 6 pp80-81 Besser schreiben

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Giving a longer description of your home and what you do there


adjectives (revision)


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

2f adapt previously learned language

2j redraft writing to improve accuracy

2, 3b, 3c

3a, 3d



Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand dialogue describing life at home




Adapt language from example to produce own dialogue about life at home



Reading and responding


Understand paragraphs in which different people describe their life at home





Adapt language from examples to write about own life at home



Key language

Wie hilfst du zu Hause?

Was machst du in deinem Zimmer?


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p124

ICT Pack: activity 6, personal details, where people live, items of furniture, activities at home


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p47



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 6

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 5, p84


Supplementary teaching opportunities




  • Provide model written text on OHT, eg Ich wohne in einem Haus. Mein Haus ist klein aber bequem. Es hat einen Garten. In dem Wohnzimmer gibt es... , with key words or endings removed. Pupils fill in the gaps.
  • Choose pupils in the class to talk about their own house. Report back the same information to the class using sein/ihr. ‡ Pupils describe another person's house.
  • Pupils work individually or in pairs/groups to prepare a short guided tour of one of their houses that would make a German visitor feel at home, using pictures to illustrate it. This might be in either oral or written form, possibly recorded on video or using multimedia software. It could be placed on the school website as Zu Hause in England.
  • Pupils write a magazine-style presentation of their house or imaginary house, using magazine or authentic photos. They word process the text. Illustrations could be scanned in.









SCHOOL: Frederick gough School – A Specialist Language College                                                                                   


Logo! 1 Kapitel 5 Zu Hause         Unit 7 pp82-83 Monikas Zimmer

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Consolidation unit: Monika’s room




(Programmes of Study)

2f adapt previously-learned language

2h skim and scan texts

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

1c, 2, 3

1a, 3



Everyday activities

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand longer dialogue describing someone’s room





Ask and answer questions using information from text describing someone’s room



Reading and responding


Understand longer text describing someone’s room

1a, 1b



Write sentences and fill in a form describing your room and routine


1c, 3

Key language

As in Units 1–6

ICT Opportunities

Presentation, TG p125

Word processing, TG p126

ICT Pack: activity 5, position words, names of common items


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Extra A & B, PB pp108–9



Cassette C, side A or CD 3, track 7


Supplementary teaching opportunities




Pupils use German magazines or websites regarding houses and furniture.  Comprehension, translation, summarising activities as appropriate








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School- A Specialist Language College                                                                                             


Logo! 1 Kapitel 6 In der Stadt                          Unit 1 pp86-87 Meine Stadt

Activity no.

Leaarning objectives

Asking about a town. Talking about your town.


er, sie, es and sie

pronoun ‘it’: er, sie, es

(plural) forms of sein

es gibt + accusative


(Programmes of Study)

1c use a range of vocab / structures

3c use knowledge of English / another language

4d knowledge of TL communities

1d, 2, 4

1a, 3a, 4

1a, 2


The world around us

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise names of places in town

1b, 1c



Ask and answer questions about various buildings in town


2, 3b

Reading and responding


Match descriptions of town with advertisements




Write sentences about where certain things are in your town


1a, 4

Key language

Was ist das?

Das ist ... der Supermarkt / der Bahnhof / der Park / die Schule / die Kirche / die Post / die Bibliothek / das Café / das Kino / das Schwimmbad / das Rathaus / das Sportzentrum.

Gibt es einen / eine / ein [place]?

Wo ist der / die / das [place]?

Er / Sie / Es ist in der [X]straße.

[place] und [place] sind in der [X]straße.


ICT Opportunities

Word processing, TG p139

ICT Pack: activity 1, places and activities in a town


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p51



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 10

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p99; Grammatik 1, p105; Arbeitsblatt 5, p103

Flashcards 79–90: places in town

OHT 18: places in town


Supplementary teaching opportunities



  • Pupils match pictures taken from brochures about German and English towns to descriptions. They find similar features and identify vocabulary used.
  • Pupils identify towns from taped/written descriptions.
  • Wer bin ich?: reuse profiles from section 1 for information gap work. Some pupils are given an 'identity', a town of origin, etc, and are interviewed by others who have a list of main points for each identity. Interviewers cannot ask Wie heißt du? but have to work out the identity from other information.
  • Show pupils slides, photos, brochures or videos of different Länder. Ask them to brainstorm the kind of language they will need to describe what they see, making two lists, known language in German and new language in English. They listen to the descriptions and note down new words in German, using dictionaries or glossaries to help them refine what they have written. They listen again to the commentary and then try to reconstruct what they have heard orally and then in writing. Transcripts can be on an OHP for slow-reveal reconstruction; gapped texts and text-manipulation software can also be used.
  • Was haben sie gemein?: pupils compare their own town or region, or another region of the UK, with a chosen town or region in a German-speaking country and discuss and note similarities and differences.









SCHOOL:Frederick Gough School – A Specialist Language College                                                                                               


Logo! 1 Kapitel 6 In der Stadt     

                                                         Unit 2 pp88-89 Man kann vieles machen

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking what you can do in town. Saying what you can do in town.


man kann  + infinitive at the end


(Programmes of Study)

3a memorise words and phrases

3d use dictionaries / reference materials

4d knowledge of TL communities

2, 3


5b, 6


The world around us

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand activities one can do in a town

1, 2



Carry out a dialogue about activities one can do in a town



Reading and responding


Understand an e-mail about activities in Hamburg, looking up new words as necessary


5a, 6



Write sentences about activities in town; describe your own town


4, 5b, 7

Key language

Was kann man in [town] machen?

Und was noch?

Man kann ...

 ins Kino gehen / schwimmen gehen / Tennis spielen / Fußball spielen / Freunde im Jugendclub treffen / Freunde im Café treffen / einkaufen gehen / das Rathaus besichtigen.


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG  p141

Word processing, TG p141

ICT Pack: activity 1, places and activities in a town


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B, p52





Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 11

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 2, p100; Arbeitsblatt 6, p104


Supplementary teaching opportunities




  • Pupils listen to or read about what can be done in an area or town.
  • Problem-solving task: pupils are given identities with particular likes and dislikes. Their partners have to suggest the best town or part of a town to visit to suit their needs. Partner A uses first person, eg Ich sehe gern Filme. Partner B uses third person statements, eg Man kann Filme im Kino in Neustadt sehen.









SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School –A Specialist Language College                                                                                             


Logo! 1 Kapitel 6 In der Stadt               Unit 3 pp90-91 Das Hamburgspiel

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Play a game with a friend




(Programmes of Study)

3a memorise words and phrases (vocabulary game)

5h use language for real purposes




Everyday activities, the world around us

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand phrases needed for playing board games




Play board game, using game phrases in dialogue



Reading and responding


Understand written instructions needed for playing board games





Write instructions for game, selecting correct German translations from list



Key language

Ich bin dran. Du bist dran. Wer beginnt?

Richtig. Falsch. Hast du den Würfel?

Ich habe eine Fünf. Zwei Felder zurück.

Einmal aussetzen. Los geht’s!


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 2, places and activities in a town


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  pp53–54



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 12


Supplementary teaching opportunites




Pupils make up their own game along these lines or modify the game to suit their own town







SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School – A Specialist Language College                                                                                              


Logo! 1 Kapitel 6 In der Stadt                            Unit 4 pp92-93 Im Eiscafé

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Counting to 100. Ordering some food and drink at an ice-cream café.




(Programmes of Study)

2a listen for gist and detail

2e vary language for context / audience

3a memorise words and phrases (vocabulary game)

1a, 2, 3a


1a, 4b


Everyday activities, personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Recognise items of food and drink in ice-cream café

1b, 2, 3a



Carry out dialogue with partner, ordering food and drink in ice-cream café


4a, 4b

Reading and responding


Understand list of items of food and drink;  understand written dialogue in ice-cream café 


2, 3a



Write numbers between 60 and 100 as words; write ice-cream café dialogue


1a, 4b

Key language

Numbers 61–100

Bitte sehr?

Einmal … Erdbeereis, Vanilleeis, Schokoladeneis, Zitroneneis, Pistazieneis, Apfelkuchen, Schokoladenkuchen, bitte. Und zu trinken?

Einmal / Zweimal Kaffee, Tee, heiße Schokolade, Apfelsaft, Mineralwasser, bitte.

Mit ... Sahne, Zitrone, Milch, Zahlen, bitte! Das ist [number] Euro [number], bitte.


ICT Opportunities

Text manipulation, TG p143

ICT Pack: activity 3, numbers to 100

ICT Pack: activity 4, food and drink

Unterwegs 9 was kostet das

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p55



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 13

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 3, p101

OHT 19A & 19B: ice-cream and drinks


Supplementary teaching opportunities




Using authentic menus and working in groups, pupils choose appropriate dishes for different individuals with particular likes and dislikes. The requirements can be provided on cue cards or pupils can choose according to their own likes and dislikes within their group

Present items of food and drink using flashcards/overhead transparencies (OHTs) or real objects within the context of likes and dislikes (revised from unit 3 'Der Schultag') and introducing mögen. Slowly revealing pictures of food or food labels can be a useful technique for presenting food items. Words can be revealed slowly as well as pictures.

‡ Pupils could be referred to verb tables to spot patterns across verbs met so far, eg that the ich form of modal verbs has no -e.








SCHOOL: Frederick gough School – A Specialist Language College                                                                                              


Logo! 1 Kapitel 6 In der Stadt              Unit 5 pp94-95 An der Imbissstube

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Asking a friend what snack foods he / she likes. Saying what snack foods you like.




(Programmes of Study)

3c use knowledge of English  / another language

5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / written language

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

1a, 2, 4a


1a, 3, 4b

2, 4a


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand what people are ordering at a snack bar

1b, 4a



Ask and answer questions about which snack foods you like



Reading and responding


Understand prices of snacks and what various people had as a snack


2, 4c



Write sentences about ordering snacks; write snack list; write short play about buying snacks


1a, 4b, 4d

Key language

Was isst / trinkst du gern?

Ich esse / trinke gern ...

Schaschlik / Hamburger / Cheeseburger / Wurst / Currywurst / Pizza mit ... Pommes / Ketchup / Senf / Mayonnaise.


ICT Opportunities

Presentation, TG p145

ICT Pack: activity 5, opinion phrases, food and drink

Unterwegs 6 Wie schmeckt’s? 9 Was kostet das?


Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p56



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 14

R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 4, p102

Flashcards 91–96: snacks

Supplementary teaching opportunities



  • Present relevant language via tape/video. Pupils work with model dialogue with support gradually taken away, and substituting their own words/ideas. Quantities of food and drink are introduced where appropriate, eg eine Portion Pommes Frites, eine Flasche Cola, ein Glas Limonade.
  • Using authentic menus and working in groups, pupils choose appropriate dishes for different individuals with particular likes and dislikes. The requirements can be provided on cue cards or pupils can choose according to their own likes and dislikes within their group.
  • Pupils role play café scenes. Additional language structures will be needed, eg Haben Sie gewählt? Ich möchte... . These role plays can be recorded on video. While they are being recorded, the rest of the class notes down the details of the orders, eg Tisch Nummer 2, zweimal Pommes Frites, vier Flaschen Cola. These orders can be checked for accuracy at the end of the scene(s).
  • Wer wählt was?: present profiles of different people/couples/families, stating their likes and dislikes on tape or on printed sheets together with a number of different orders from a given menu. Pupils listen to/read and match the order with the correct customer(s).
  • Pupils write to (or e-mail/fax) partners to describe and/or find out about their preferences for food and drink. This could lead to comparisons with those of the class.
  • Offer items of German food to taste. Pupils ask for food and make comments on what they taste.








SCHOOL: Frederick Gough School –A Specialist Language College                                                                                             


Logo! 1 Kapitel 6 In der Stadt                          Unit 6 pp96-97 Schule aus!

Activity no.

Learning objectives

Talking about how you learn German. Talking about practising German.


müssen / können + infinitive


(Programmes of Study)

3a memorise words and phrases

4a work with authentic materials

5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment

1, 3, 7a

1, 5

5, 7b


Personal and social life

Learning outcomes …

Listening and responding


Understand different ways people practise German

2, 7a



Answer questions with examples how you can practise German


3, 7a

Reading and responding


Understand short text about people learning German

5, 7b



Write sentences about how you learn German; write sentences about what you have to do in your holidays


1, 4, 6

Key language

Wie kann man Deutsche üben?

Man kann ...

Vokabeln lernen, Bücher/Logo! Lesen, Postkarten schreiben, Listen machen, Partnerarbeit machen, nach Deutschland fahren, fernsehen, deutsche Computerspiele machen, Kassetten hören;

Was musst du in den Ferien machen?

Ich muss ... .  Ich lerne Vokabeln. Ich höre Kassetten.


ICT Opportunities

ICT Pack: activity 6, activities involved in learning, the verbs ‘to be able to, to have to’, 3rd person

Reinforcement (A)

Extension (B)

Workbooks A & B,  p57



Cassette C, side B or CD 3, track 15

Song: PB p 97

R & A File: Grammatik 2–3, pp106–107

OHT 20: learning German


Supplementary teaching opportunities