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Language Assistants

The school has a tradition of foreign language assistants providing an excellent classroom resource and an opportunity for students to appreciate other cultures first hand.

This year the school is especially pleased to have 3 foreign language assistants to further language college progress and they say something about themselves here.

My name is Cassandra Buxton. I come from Bordeaux that is like a big village since each quarter has its own characteristics, everything is in a walking distance and streets are busy with strollers and students! It has the longest pedestrian street of Europe! The city has a heavy history but that makes it even more interesting. There are a lot of local music bands and gigs in small bars. Cassandra
I've been living there since I was 18 and I have had extremely good moments as 'building up' experiences! In the same desire of living new things I applied to work in England. Now I'm a French assistant in Scunthorpe at Frederick Gough School! I also work in Brumby School and in Rochdale Road primary school.

I am really enjoying my stay in 'Sunny Scunny'! It may not be the the most beautiful place in England as it's an industrial city -though very green- but people are very friendly and helpful. I get on very well with the other assistants with whom I visit the gorgeous cities around (having a car makes it easy) and I also have great fun with my teaching colleagues and other locals! I've been welcomed in operatic societies, which enables me to dance, sing and play on stage but also to know new people!

My job in school is also very enriching because working in small groups enables me to know the pupils better and finding the appropriate way to teach them makes it challenging. I also had the opportunity to teach a whole class of teenagers (!) for a full period and it was very challenging too! I also have to do my best to teach and entertain at the same time which I sometimes find difficult! But when I see that I've been useful, have reached my objectives and that the pupils are quite happy to work with me, then I feel very happy!!!

My name is Ekaterina Yurievna Bagdasarova, but everyone here calls me Katya for obvious reasons. I was born in Russia (it was part of the Soviet Union at that time) and lived in Moscow most of my life. In 1995 I was an exchange student in Harvard, Massachusetts, USA. I was 16 years old at that time and was told that if I could do that I would be able to do everything.

After I got back to Russia I chose Mandarin Chinese as a major in the university which I did for 4 years and after that went to China. I studied Chinese in Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute for one year but still thought it was not enough so I stayed for another year as an English teacher in one of themodern boarding schools in a beautiful city of Dalian. That's when I got into a 'teaching trap', for I missed teaching a lot during the following year in Russia so now I am here teaching Russian and Mandarin.


Hi, my name is Ines Kunzemann. I come from a little town in the southeast of Germany, but since I'm studying to be a translator and interpreter for French and English, I'm living in Leipzig. Leipzig is a lively city of 350.000 inhabitants, 20.000 of them are students, so you can imagine there is a lot going on for young people! Leipzig is well known for its music and theatre scene, as well as for its sport history. My town is the German candidate for the Olympic games in 2012. Ines
Now I work as German Foreign Language Assistant in Frederick Gough, Brumby School and John Leggott College. I've already been FLA in France two years ago. I appreciated the work with the children so much that I decided to do it a second time and this led me to England. I feel very happy in Scunthorpe and in Barton, where I found my place to stay.

The staff at language department are great, the kids are nice and I hope we'll have a good time together and that I can give them an insight into german culture today and bring a little bit fun into this difficult but nice language.

In addition, John Leggott College kindly allows us to borrow their Spanish assistant to help the Year 11 GCSE Spanish group prepare for their final exam.

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