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Evening Classes

Adults have been encouraged back to the language classroom. An Open College French course for adult beginners ran for two terms last year and all the adults who took part gained the OCN Certificate level 1.

The classes have been very successful with our adult learners:

"Excellent course! I tried but further improvement is needed by me to reach my desired level. Hope I've passed and look forward to doing another course."

"I am much better with numbers, have more confidence speaking but still need to widen my vocabulary. Thanks, I have enjoyed the course."

"I have enjoyed the course once again. I need more confidence to speak aloud. Perhaps I could make it a new year resolution!"

In January 2004 Evening Classes for Spanish beginners will be available.

Contact the Modern Languages department at the school for further details.

MFL Homepage Specialist Language Teachers Courses ICT Facilities Visits and Exchanges Languages Assistants Events Teacher Training Opportunities Primary Programme Evening Classes