Language College Aims


Aims Relating to Own School Context

School Aims (SA)


SA1:  To raise standards of achievement in modern foreign languages through the increased quality of teaching and learning.


SA2:  To extend curriculum opportunities in modern foreign (may include diversification of languages and/or accreditation, the international dimension and technological enrichment).


SA3:  To increase take-up of, and interest in, modern foreign language courses, particularly post-16 (This would also include increasing the number of dual linguists at KS4).


SA4: To promote an ethos of international that recognises the unique place every nationality holds in a world wide community























Aims relating to the Specialist School Community Context


Set out below are core community aims of the Language Colleges programme from which objectives should flow.  The core aims can, if schools wish, be expanded to fit the school’s working context, particularly if part of an Educational Action Zone or Excellence in Cities area.  There is no requirement to add to these, but if schools wish to do so no more than three additional aims should be added to the core for either the  school or community section.



Community Aims (CA)


CA1: Provide high quality learning opportunities in the specialist subject, through sharing specialist facilities and resources (including specialist teachers), for members of this school’s community (including teachers and pupils in partner schools), local business and industry and community groups (see paragraph 87 of the Guide regarding non-MFL provision e.g. ICT, ESL courses).


CA2: Develop and disseminate good practice to share with other schools, including non-specialist secondary schools.